ISBN-13: 9781119521495 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 1088 str.
ISBN-13: 9781119521495 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 1088 str.
About the Authors xxiPreface xxiiiAcknowledgments xxvii1 Modern Communications: What It Is? 1Objectives and Outcomes of Chapter 1 11.1 What and Why of Modern Communications 4Objectives and Outcomes of Section 1.1 41.1.1 What is Modern Communications? 51.1.2 General Block Diagram of a Communication System 61.1.3 Operation of a Communication System 71.1.4 Why DoWe Need Modern Communications? 81.1.5 From Today to Tomorrow - Two Examples The Internet of Things (IoT) Data Centers 12Questions and Problems for Section 1.1 131.2 Communication Technology on a Fast Track 16Objectives and Outcomes of Section 1.2 16Sidebar 1.2.S.1 Brief Notes on History of Telegraph, Telephone, Radio, and Television 221.2.1 The Internet Basics of Networks The Internet: From a Point-to-Point Link to a Network of Networks 371.2.2 Optical Communications 421.2.2.1 Introduction to Optical Communications 431.2.2.2 Developments in Optical Communications: From First Inventions to Modern Advances 461.2.3 Wireless Communications 491.2.3.1 Introduction to Wireless Communications 491.2.3.2 Contemporary Wireless Communications Technologies 541.2.3.3 Mobile Cellular Communications 571.2.4 Satellite Communications 591.2.4.1 Historical Notes 591.2.4.2 Principle of Operation of Satellite Communication Systems 601.2.4.3 Satellite Orbits 62Questions and Problems for Section 1.2 671.3 Fundamental Laws and Principles of Modern Communications 751.3.1 Fundamental Laws of Modern Communications 751.3.1.1 Hartley's Information Law 751.3.1.2 Signal Bandwidth and Transmission Bandwidth from the Transmission Standpoint 761.3.1.3 Bandwidth and Bit Rate, Nyquist's Formula, and Hartley's Capacity Law 771.3.1.4 Shannon's Law (Limit) 791.3.1.5 More Clarifications of the Shannon Law 821.3.1.6 The Shannon Law for Digital Communications 831.3.2 Fundamental Principles of Modern Communications 861.3.2.1 Channel Capacity, Bandwidth, and Carrier Frequency 861.3.2.2 Bandwidth-Length Product 901.3.2.3 Power-Bandwidth Trade-Off 911.3.2.4 Spectral Efficiency and Transmission Technology 921.3.2.5 Bit Rate vs. Bandwidth in Digital Transmission 931.3.3 Laws, Principles, and Models - Importance, Limitations, and Applications 941.3.3.1 Limitations and Applications of the Laws and Principles 941.3.3.2 Models 961.3.3.3 Modeling and Simulation 98Questions and Problems for Section 1.3 992 Analog Signals and Analog Transmission 103Objectives and Outcomes of Chapter 2 1032.1 Analog Signals - Basics 104Objectives and Outcomes of Section 2.1 1042.1.1 Definitions 1042.1.1.1 Waveforms 1042.1.1.2 Analog and Digital Signals 1082.1.2 Sinusoidal Signal 1102.1.2.1 The Waveform of a Sinusoidal Signal 1102.1.2.2 Period and Frequency 1112.1.2.3 Frequency, Radian (Angular) Frequency and Angle 1152.1.2.4 Phase Shift (Initial Phase) 1172.1.2.5 Amplitude 121Questions and Problems for Section 2.1 1252.2 Analog Signals - Introduction 129Objectives and Outcomes of Section 2.2 1292.2.1 More About a Sinusoidal Signal 1302.2.1.1 Considering All Three Parameters - the Formula for a Sinusoidal Signal 1302.2.1.2 The Phase of a Sinusoidal Signal: a Detailed Look 1322.2.1.3 Cosine and Sine Signals 138Sidebar 2.2.S.1 Phasor and Sinusoidal Signal 139Sidebar 2.2.S.2 Signal and Function 1462.2.2 Frequency Domain and Bandwidth 1512.2.2.1 Frequency Domain 1512.2.2.2 Cosine and Sine Signals in Frequency Domain 1512.2.2.3 Bandwidth 1562.2.2.4 Bandwidth: a Sophisticated Entity 159Questions and Problems for Section 2.2 1622.3 Analog Signals - Advanced Study 167Objectives and Outcomes of Section 2.3 1672.3.1 Revisiting the Waveforms 1682.3.1.1 More about Waveforms 1682.3.1.2 Waveform and Signal's Power 1742.3.2 Waveforms and Phasors 1782.3.2.1 Practically Realizable Waveforms 1782.3.2.2 Phasors and Phasor Diagrams 1782.3.2.3 Waveforms and Phasors for a Resistor, an Inductor, and a Capacitor 1812.3.2.4 Impedances and Phasors 185Questions and Problems for Section 2.3 1892.3.A Mathematical Foundation of Phasor Presentation 1912.3.A.1 Phasors and Complex Numbers 1912.3.A.2 Applications of Phasor Presentation to the Analysis of Electronic Communications Circuitry 1952.3.A.2.1 Summation of Signals 195Optional: Questions and Problems for Appendix 2.3.A 2003 Digital Signals and Digital Transmission 203Objectives and Outcomes of Chapter 3 2033.1 Digital Communications - Basics 203Objectives and Outcomes of Section 3.1 2033.1.1 Why Go to Digital Communications 2043.1.1.1 Main Advantage of Digital Transmission over the Analog 2043.1.1.2 Case Study 1: The Advantages of Using Digital Signals in Transmission 2073.1.1.3 Case Study 2 of Digital Communications: Transmission with Integrated-Circuit Digital Logic Families 2103.1.1.4 Why Go to Digital Communications: A Summary 2143.1.2 How to Go to Digital Communications 2153.1.2.1 From Characters to Bits 2153.1.2.2 From Bits to Electrical Pulses 2223.1.2.3 How to Go Digital Communications: A Summary 224Questions and Problems for Section 3.1 2253.1.A Brief History of Character Codes 2293.1.A.1 International Morse Code 2293.1.A.2 Baudot Code 2303.2 Digital Signals and Digital Transmission - Introduction 232Objectives and Outcomes of Section 3.2 2323.2.1 Ideal Digital Signal and Characteristics of Digital Transmission 2333.2.1.1 The Waveform of an Ideal Digital Signal 2333.2.1.2 Pulse Interval and Transmission Rate; Bit Time and Bit Rate 2353.2.1.3 Important Note: The Definition of Bit Time 2373.2.1.4 Bit Rate and Channel (Shannon's) Capacity 2373.2.2 Parameters of a Real Digital Signal and the Characteristics of Digital Transmission 2393.2.2.1 Waveform of an Actual Digital Signal 2393.2.2.2 Amplitude and Pulse Width 2403.2.2.3 Rise Time and Fall Time 2413.2.2.4 Rise/Fall Time and Bit Rate 2443.2.2.5 More on Timing Parameters of a Digital Signal: Bit Time Revisited 2473.2.2.6 Duty Cycle 250Questions and Problems for Section 3.2 2534 Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC) and Digital-to-Analog Conversion (DAC) 259Objectives and Outcomes of Chapter 4 2594.1 Analog-to-Digital Conversion, ADC 259Objectives and Outcomes of Section 4.1 2594.1.1 The Need for ADC and DAC 2614.1.2 Three Major Steps of ADC 2634.1.3 Sample-and-Hold (S&H) Operation 2634.1.3.1 Sampling (S&H) Technique and the Nyquist Theorem 2634.1.3.2 Aliasing 2674.1.4 Quantization in ADC 2724.1.4.1 Quantization Process 2724.1.4.2 Quantization Errors and Quantization Noise 2844.1.5 Encoding 285Questions and Problems for Section 4.1 2914.1.A Decimal and Binary Numbering Systems 2994.1.A.1 Decimal Numbering System 2994.1.A.2 Binary Numbering System 3004.1.A.3 Conversion from the Decimal Number System to the Binary 3014.2 Digital-to-Analog Conversion, DAC, Pulse-Amplitude Modulation, PAM, and Pulse-Code Modulation, PCM 303Objectives and Outcomes of Section 4.2 3034.2.1 Digital-to-Analog Conversion, DAC 3044.2.2 Pulse Amplitude Modulation, PAM 3044.2.3 Pulse Code Modulation, PCM 3064.2.3.1 PCM: Principle of Operation 3064.2.3.2 PCM: Advantages and Drawbacks 3084.2.3.3 PCM Applications 309Questions and Problems for Section 4.2 3094.2.A Modes of Digital Transmission 3114.2.A.1 Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex Transmission 3114.2.A.2 Serial and Parallel Transmissions 3124.2.A.3 The General Formula for Bit Rate 3144.2.A.4 The Need for Synchronization in Digital Transmission 3154.2.A.4.1 Digital Signals and Timing 3154.2.A.4.2 Timing in Digital Transmission 3164.2.A.4.3 Time Discrepancy Between Transmitter and Receiver Clocks 3174.2.A.4.4 How Time Discrepancy Between Transmitter and Receiver Clocks Deteriorates the Quality of DigitalTransmission 3194.2.A.4.5 A Short Summary on Synchronization Issues 3204.2.A.5 Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission 3204.2.A.5.1 Asynchronous Transmission 3214.2.A.5.2 Synchronous Transmission 3235 Filters 325Objectives and Outcomes of Chapter 5 3255.1 Filtering - Basics 326Objectives and Outcomes of Section 5.1 3265.1.1 Filtering: What and Why 3275.1.2 RC Low-Pass Filter (LPF) 3305.1.2.1 Frequency Responses of a Resistor, R, and a Capacitor, C 3305.1.2.2 RC Low-Pass Filter: Principle of Operation 3335.1.2.3 Output Waveforms of an RC LPF 3345.1.2.4 An RC LPF: Formulas for Attenuation and Phase Shift 3355.1.2.5 Frequency Response of an RC LPF 3395.1.2.6 Cutoff (Critical) Frequency of an RC LPF 342Sidebar 5.1.S Filter's Characteristics in Absolute Values and in dB 3455.1.3 Filter Operation in Time Domain and Frequency Domain 3475.1.3.1 Waveform Change and Frequency Response 3475.1.3.2 Bandwidth of an RC LPF 3495.1.3.3 Characterization of an RC LPF 3495.1.3.4 The Role of R and C Parameters in Characterization of an RC LPF 3525.1.4 General Filter Specifications 3545.1.4.1 Amplitude Specifications 3545.1.4.2 Phase Specifications 359Questions and Problems for Section 5.1 3605.2 Filtering - Introduction 365Objectives and Outcomes of Section 5.2 3655.2.1 High-Pass Filter (HPF), Band-Pass Filter (BPF), and Band-Stop Filter (BSF) 3665.2.1.1 High-Pass Filter (HPF) 3675.2.1.2 Band-Pass Filter (BPF) 3715.2.1.3 Band-Stop Filter (BSF) 3785.2.1.4 Applications of RC Filters 3805.2.1.5 Final Notes on RC Filters 3805.2.2 Transfer Function of a Filter 3815.2.2.1 Input and Output of a Filter 3815.2.2.2 Transfer Function of an RC LPF 3845.2.2.3 Graphical Presentation of a Transfer Function: Bode Plots 387Questions and Problems for Section 5.2 3945.2.A RL Filter and Resonance Circuits as Filters 4005.2.A.1 RL Filter 4005.2.A.2 Resonance Circuits as Filters 4025.2.A.2.1 Resonance Circuits: A Review 4025.2.A.2.2 Quality Factor 4055.2.A.2.3 Resonance Circuit as a Band-Pass Filter 4065.2.A.2.4 Resonance Circuit as a Band-Stop Filter 4075.3 Active and Switched-Capacitor Filters 409Objectives and Outcomes of Section 5.3 4095.3.1 Active Filters 4105.3.1.1 Drawbacks of Passive Filters 4105.3.1.2 Operational Amplifier 4135.3.1.3 Active Filters: Concept and Circuits 4185.3.1.4 Transfer Functions of an Active Filter: General View 4195.3.1.5 Specific Types of Active Filters 4205.3.1.6 Concluding Remarks on Active Filters 4245.3.2 Switched-Capacitor Filters 4245.3.2.1 Switched-Capacitor Filters: Concept and Circuits 4245.3.2.2 Applications of Switched-Capacitor Filters 428Questions and Problems for Section 5.3 4315.3.A Active BPF and BSF 4365.3.A.1 Active BPF 4365.3.A.2 Active BSF 4395.4 Filter Prototypes and Filter Design 441Objectives and Outcomes of Section 5.4 4415.4.1 Filter Prototypes 4445.4.1.1 The Problem in the Filter Design - The Need for the Filter Prototypes 4445.4.1.2 Another Problem for Filter's Designer: Relationship Between Amplitude and Phase Responses 4455.4.1.3 Main Filter Prototypes - What and Why 4465.4.1.4 Transfer Function of the Butterworth Filter 4505.4.1.5 Amplitude Response of the Butterworth Filter 4515.4.1.6 Amplitude Response of the Butterworth Filter in Logarithmic Scale 4535.4.1.7 Phase Response (Shift) and Time Group Delay of the Butterworth Filter 4565.4.1.8 Poles of the Butterworth Filter's Transfer Function 4575.4.2 Introduction to Filter Design 4595.4.2.1 Two Main Steps in Filter Design 4595.4.2.2 Automated Design Options 4605.4.2.3 Design of a Second-order Butterworth Filter 4625.4.2.4 Using the Poles of a Transfer Function 4685.4.3 The Design Process: Key Questions, Answers, and Salient Points 4695.4.3.1 Questions and Answers 4695.4.3.2 Salient Points 4705.4.3.3 Choosing Filter Technology 471Questions and Problems for Section 5.4 4725.4.A Tables of the Butterworth Polynomials 4785.5 Digital Filters 479Objectives and Outcomes of Section 5.5 4795.5.1 What are Digital Filters? 4795.5.1.1 Digital Filters - Principle of Operation 4795.5.1.2 ADC and DAC Operations Revisited 4815.5.1.3 Digital Filters - Difference Equation, Order, and Coefficients 4845.5.1.4 Recursive (IIR) and Nonrecursive (FIR) Digital Filters and Their Difference Equations 4865.5.1.5 Impulse Response of Digital Filters 4875.5.1.6 Transfer Function of a Digital Filter 4885.5.2 Conclusive Remarks on Digital and Analog Filters 4915.5.2.1 Some Final Comments on Digital Filters 4915.5.2.2 Adaptive Filters 4915.5.2.3 Comparison of Analog and Digital Filters 4925.5.2.4 Summary of Applications of Various Filter Technologies 492Questions and Problems for Section 5.5 494What are Digital Filters? 4946 Spectral Analysis 1 - The Fourier Series in Modern Communications 497Objectives and Outcomes of Chapter 6 4976.1 Basics of Spectral Analysis 498Objective and Outcomes of Section 6.1 4986.1.1 Time Domain and Frequency Domain 4986.1.1.1 Periodic and Nonperiodic Signals 4986.1.1.2 Time Domain and Frequency Domain Revisited 5006.1.1.3 Signal Spectrum 5096.1.2 The Fourier Series 5116.1.2.1 The Fourier Theorem 511Sidebar 6.1.S.1 Calculating the Coefficients of a Fourier Series 5156.1.2.2 Spectral Analysis - From the Whole to the Parts 5196.1.3 Spectral Synthesis 5206.1.3.1 Spectral Synthesis - From Parts to the Whole 520Questions and Problems for Section 6.1 5286.2 Introduction to Spectral Analysis 534Objectives and Outcomes of Section 6.2 5346.2.1 More About the Fourier Series 5346.2.1.1 Coefficients of the Fourier Series 5346.2.1.2 Amplitude and Phase Spectra 537Sidebar 6.2.S.1 Using the Signal's Symmetry for Finding the Fourier Series Coefficients 5426.2.1.3 Finding the Fourier Series of Various Signals 5446.2.2 Effect of Filtering on Signals 5466.2.2.1 Statement of the Problem 5466.2.2.2 Filtering a Single Harmonic 5526.2.2.3 Filtering a Periodic Signal - Time and Frequency Domains 5546.2.2.4 Filtering a Signal - The Entire Picture 5606.2.2.5 A Final Note on Effect of Filtering on Signals 5666.2.3 Harmonic Distortion 566Questions and Problems for Section 6.2 5726.3 Spectral Analysis of Periodic Signals: Advanced Study 578Objectives and Outcomes of Section 6.3 5786.3.1 Mathematical Foundation of the Fourier Series 5796.3.1.1 The Fourier Series in Exponential and Phasor Forms 579Sidebar 6.3.S.1 The Other Forms of an Exponential Fourier Series 5876.3.1.2 Two-Sided and One-Sided Spectra and Three Equivalent Forms of the Fourier Series 5886.3.2 Conditions for Application of the Fourier Series 591Sidebar 6.3.S.2 Convergence of the Fourier Series 5916.3.2.1 Gibbs Phenomenon 5936.3.3 Power Spectrum of a Periodic Signal 5946.3.3.1 Power and Energy Signals 5946.3.3.2 Parseval's Theorem 5956.3.3.3 A Signal's Bandwidth and Transmission Issues Associated with a Power Spectrum 598Questions and Problems for Section 6.3 6096.3.A Fourier Coefficients of a Two-sided and a One-sided Spectrum of the Periodic Pulse Train for Example 6.3.2. 6137 Spectral Analysis 2 - The Fourier Transform in Modern Communications 615Objectives and Outcomes of Chapter 7 6157.1 Basics of the Fourier Transform 616Objectives and Outcomes of Section 7.1 6167.1.1 The Fourier Transform in Spectral Analysis 6177.1.1.1 From a Periodic to a Nonperiodic Signal 6177.1.1.2 From the Fourier Series to the Fourier Transform 6287.1.1.3 The Fourier Transform Briefly Explained 6297.1.2 First Examples of the Fourier Transform Applications 6327.1.2.1 A Rectangular Pulse 6327.1.2.2 Basics of the Spectral Analysis of a Nonperiodic Signal 6357.1.2.3 Rayleigh Energy Theorem 639Summary of Section 7.1 642Questions and Problems for Section 7.1 6437.2 Continuous-Time Fourier Transform: A Deeper Look 644Objectives and Outcomes of Section 7.2 6447.2.1 Definition and Existence of the Fourier Transform 6457.2.2 The Concept of Function and the Transform 646Sidebar 7.2.S.1 Dirac Delta Function 6497.2.3 Table of the Fourier Transform 6547.2.4 Properties of the Fourier Transform 6567.2.4.1 Units 6567.2.4.2 Linearity 6577.2.4.3 Duality 6577.2.4.4 Modulation 6577.2.4.5 Convolution in Time and in Frequency and a Transfer Function 6587.2.4.6 Time Differentiation 6597.2.4.7 Other Properties of the Fourier Transform 6597.2.5 Example of Using the Fourier Transform 659Sidebar 7.2.S.2 The Impulse Response of an RC LPF 662Sidebar 7.2.S.3 Alternative Methods of Finding a Transfer Function 6677.3 The Fourier Transforms and Digital Signal Processing 670Objectives and Outcomes of Section 7.3 6707.3.1 Signals and the Fourier Transformations 671Sidebar 7.3.S.1 A Word About DSP 6777.3.2 Determining the Fourier Transform Required for DSP 6817.3.3 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) 6817.3.3.1 The Problem: Choosing the Best Type of FT for DSP 6817.3.3.2 How Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)Works 6827.3.3.3 Can DFT Work with Any Signal? 6907.3.4 Relationship Among All Fourier Transforms 6977.3.5 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) 6998 Analog Transmission with Analog Modulation 707Objectives and Outcomes of Chapter 8 7078.1 Basics of Analog Modulation 708Objectives and Outcomes of Section 8.1 7088.1.1 Why We Need Modulation: Baseband and Broadband Transmission 7108.1.1.1 Baseband Transmission and Its Major Problems 7108.1.1.2 Solution to the Problems of BasebandTransmission - Broadband Transmission 7128.1.2 Basics of Amplitude Modulation 7158.1.2.1 What Type of Analog Modulation Can We Have? 7158.1.2.2 What is Amplitude Modulation (AM) 7158.1.2.3 Modulation Index 7198.1.2.4 Relationship Between Frequencies of Information and Carrier Signals 7228.1.2.5 The Formula for an AM Signal and It Instantaneous Value 7238.1.2.6 The Spectrum of an AM Signal 7258.1.2.7 Power Distribution in an AM Signal 7288.1.2.8 AM Modulation and Demodulation 7308.1.2.9 The Main Drawback of Amplitude Modulation 7328.1.3 Basics of Frequency Modulation (FM) 7338.1.3.1 Frequency Modulation: Why and What 7338.1.3.2 The Frequency of an FM Signal 7348.1.3.3 Modulation Index of an FM Signal 7388.1.3.4 The Spectrum and Bandwidth of an FM Signal 7408.1.3.5 Relationship Between Parameters of Message and Carrier Signals in FM Transmission 7468.1.3.6 FM Modulation and Demodulation 7468.1.4 Basics of Phase Modulation (PM) 7508.1.4.1 How to Generate a Phase-Modulated Signal 7508.1.4.2 Instantaneous Value of a Sinusoidal PM Signal 754Questions and Problems for Section 8.1 7548.1.A Drawbacks of Baseband Transmission 7598.2 Analog Modulation for Analog Transmission - An Advanced Study 762Objectives and Outcomes of Section 8.2 7628.2.1 Classification of Modulation Revisited 7638.2.2 Advanced Consideration of Amplitude Modulation, AM, and Its Application in Analog Transmission 7668.2.2.1 Full (Double-Sideband Transmitted Carrier, DSB-TC) Amplitude Modulation 7668.2.2.2 Problems of Full AM Transmission 7748.2.2.3 Double-Sideband Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) AM 7748.2.2.4 Single-Sideband Suppressed Carrier (SSB-SC) AM 7798.2.2.5 Full AM, DSB, or SSB - Which Type to Choose? 7828.2.2.6 Applications of AM Transmission 7848.2.3 Advanced Consideration of Angular (Phase and Frequency) Modulation and Its Application in Analog Transmission 7848.2.3.1 Angular Modulation 7848.2.3.2 Sinusoidal (Single-Tone) Frequency Modulation (FM) 7888.2.3.3 The Spectrum of a Single-Tone FM Signal, the Main Properties of the Bessel Functions, and Narrowband and Wideband FM 7908.2.3.4 The Bandwidth of a Single-Tone FM Signal 7938.2.3.5 General Case of an FM Signal (An Arbitrary Message Signal) 7998.2.3.6 Effect of Noise on an FM Signal 807Questions and Problems for Section 8.2 8108.2.A Finding the Spectrum of an FM Signal with MATLAB 8149 Digital Transmission with Binary Modulation 823Objectives and Outcomes of Chapter 9 8239.1 Digital Transmission - Basics 824Objectives and Outcomes of Section 9.1 8249.1.1 Essentials of Digital Transmission Revisited 8279.1.1.1 Block Diagram of a Communication System 8279.1.1.2 Characteristics of a Transmitter, Tx 8289.1.1.3 Characteristics of a Receiver, Rx 8299.1.1.4 Characteristics of a Transmission Channel (Link) 8309.1.1.5 The Model of Noise in Shannon's Law 8359.1.1.6 An Amplifier in a Transmission Channel: Internal Noise, SNR, and Noise Figure 8399.1.2 Assessing the Quality of Digital Transmission: The Gaussian (Bell) Curve and the Probability Value 8439.1.2.1 Gaussian (Bell) Normal Probability Distribution 8439.1.2.2 Finding the Probability Value with the Bell Curve 8449.1.2.3 Standard Normal Probability Distribution 8479.1.2.4 The Gaussian Curve and Q-Function 8509.1.3 Assessing the Quality of Digital Transmission: Bit Error Rate and More 8529.1.3.1 Decision-Making Procedure in the Presence of Noise 8529.1.3.2 The Probability of Error in Detecting the Received Signal: Bit Error Rate (Ratio) 8559.1.3.3 BER: A Discussion 8589.1.4 Eye Diagram 8609.1.4.1 Eye Diagram: The Concept 8609.1.4.2 Estimating Transmission Quality with an Eye Diagram 865Questions and Problems for Section 9.1 8699.2 Introduction to Digital Transmission - Binary Shift-Keying Modulation 878Objectives and Outcomes of Section 9.2 8789.2.1 Digital Signal over a Sinusoidal Carrier - Binary Shift-Keying Modulation 8819.2.2 Binary Amplitude-Shift Keying (ASK) 8819.2.2.1 ASK Concept and Waveform 8819.2.2.2 Mathematical Description of ASK 8839.2.2.3 ASK Spectrum 8849.2.2.4 ASK Bandwidth 8889.2.2.5 Bandwidth and Bit Rate of ASK 8939.2.2.6 Bit Error Ratio, BER, of ASK System 8959.2.2.7 ASK Advantages, Drawbacks, and Applications 8989.2.2.8 Detection (Demodulation) of an ASK Signal 9009.2.3 Binary Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) 9019.2.3.1 FSK Concept and Waveform 9019.2.3.2 Mathematical Description of FSK 9039.2.3.3 FSK Spectrum and Bandwidth with Square Wave Message 9049.2.3.4 FSK Spectrum and Bandwidth with a Rectangular Pulse-Train Message 9069.2.3.5 Bit Error Ratio, BER, and Remarks on our BFSK Discussion 9089.2.3.6 Discontinuous-Phase FSK (DPFSK) and Continuous-Phase FSK (CPFSK) 9109.2.3.7 Mathematical Description of a CPFSK Signal 9119.2.3.8 Detection (Demodulation) of an FSK Signal 9169.2.3.9 BFSK: Advantages, Drawbacks, and Applications 9219.2.4 Binary Phase-Shift Keying (PSK) 9229.2.4.1 PSK Concept and Waveform 9229.2.4.2 PSK Mathematical Description; PSK Spectrum and Bandwidth with a Square Wave Message 9259.2.4.3 Demodulation of a Binary PSK Signal 9269.2.4.4 Bit Error Ratio, BER, of a BPSK Transmission 9299.2.4.5 BPSK Advantages and Applications 9329.2.4.6 Comparison of Binary ASK, FSK, and PSK 932Questions and Problems for Section 9.2 9329.2.A Jitter 94010 Digital Transmission with Multilevel Modulation 943Objectives and Outcomes of Chapter 10 94310.1 Quadrature Modulation Systems 943Objectives and Outcomes of Section 10.1 94310.1.1 Multilevel (M-ary) Modulation Formats - What and Why 94510.1.1.1 The Concept of Multilevel Modulation 94510.1.1.2 Symbols and Bits 94810.1.2 Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying, QPSK 95110.1.2.1 Introduction to Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying, QPSK 95110.1.2.2 QPSK Signal:Waveform and Constellation Diagram 95310.1.2.3 Generating (Modulating) a QPSK Signal 95710.1.3 Working with QPSK Signaling 96410.1.3.1 Properties of a QPSK Signal 96410.1.3.2 QPSK Demodulation 96510.1.3.3 Assessing the Quality of QPSK Transmission 96710.1.3.4 Offset QPSK, Differential QPSK, and Minimum SK 968Questions and Problems for Section 10.1 97010.2 Multilevel PSK and QAM Modulation 974Objectives and Outcomes of Section 10.2 97410.2.1 Multilevel (M-ary) PSK 97510.2.1.1 Introduction to M-ary PSK 97510.2.1.2 BER of M-ary PSK 97710.2.2 Multilevel Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, M-QAM 98110.2.2.1 The Concept of Multilevel Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, M-QAM 98110.2.2.2 BER of M-QAM 98410.2.3 Final Thoughts 99110.2.3.1 Spectral Efficiency, Signal-to-Noise Ratio, and Multilevel Modulation 99110.2.3.2 Bandwidth-Power Trade-off 99410.2.3.3 Applications of Multilevel Signaling 995Questions and Problems for Section 10.2 99510.A Multiplexing 99910.A.1 Multiplexing: Definition and Advantages 99910.A.2 Time-Based Multiplexing Principles 100010.A.2.1 Synchronous Time-Division Multiplexing, sync-TDM 1000Sidebar 10.A.2.S Two sync-TDM Systems: T and Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) 100210.A.2.2 Statistical (Asynchronous) Time-Division Multiplexing, stat-TDM 100810.A.3 Frequency-Based Multiplexing Techniques 101010.A.3.1 Frequency-Division Multiplexing, FDM 101010.A.3.2 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, OFDM 101110.A.3.3 Wavelength-Division Multiplexing, WDM 101610.A.3.3.1 Why We Need WDM and How WDM Works 101610.A.3.3.2 WDM Technology 101810.A.3.4 CWDM and Other Types of Multiplexing in Optical Communications 102010.A.4 Code-Division Multiplexing, CDM 102310.A.4.1 CDM: The Principle of Operation 102310.A.4.2 Spread-Spectrum Technique 102410.A.4.3 CDM: Benefits and Applications 1026Bibliography 1029Specialized Bibliographies 1037Index 1043
DJAFAR K. MYNBAEV, PHD, is a professor at the New York City College of Technology (CUNY) Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering Technology Department. He has spent a significant part of his career working at telecommunications in general and optical communications in particular fields and has published more than 100 papers on these subjects. He currently holds over two dozen patents and is a well-known speaker at conferences worldwide. In 2001, he, with Lowell L. Scheiner, published a book entitled Fiber-Optic Communications Technology.LOWELL L. SCHEINER was an acclaimed writer and editor in the engineering and technology industries. He worked for numerous publications concerning technology and design in his main capacity and at major corporations as a public relations consultant. Lately, he was a professor at NYU Tandon School of Engineering.
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