An Essay on the Versificaiton of Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt * Chaucer's Prosody, George Saintsbury * Scanning the Prosodists: An Essay in Metacriticism, Alan T. Gaylord , Dartmouth College * Chaucer's Meter: the Evidence of the Manuscripts, Derek Pearsal, Harvard University * Prosody and the Study of Chaucer: A Generative Reply to Halle-Keyser, Steven Guthrie, Agnes Scott College * Chaucer's Troilus: Meter and Grammar, Stephen A. Barney , University of California, Irvine * I kan nat geeste: Chaucer's Artful Alliteration, Richard H. Osberg . Santa Clara University * Natural Music in Middle French Verse and Chaucer, James I. Wimsatt, University of Texas * The Joy of Chaucer's Lydgate Lines, Emerson Brown, Jr. * Vanderbilt University * Theme,Prosody and Mimesis in the Book of the Duchess, Winthrop Wetherbee , Cornell University * The Making of Troilus and Criseyde, David Wallace, University of Pennsylvania * Chaucer's Witty Prosody in the General Prologue, Charles A. Owen, Jr. , University of Connecticut * Comic Meter and Rime in the Miller's Tale, Howell Chickering , Amherst College * The Nun's Priest's Tale, Stephen Knight, University of Wales, Cardiff