Chapter 1. Diversity and differentiation, equity and equality in a marketised higher education system;
Marion Bowl.
Chapter 2. International policies for higher education and their national variants: reconciling equality and marketisation in national policy texts; Marion Bowl.
Chapter 3. English Higher Education: widening participation and the historical context for system differentiation; Colin McCaig.
Chapter 4. System differentiation in England: the imposition of supply and demand; Colin McCaig.
Chapter 5. Can 'alternative providers' really improve equality of opportunity for students entering higher education?; G.R Evans.
Chapter 6. Institutional diversification and student diversity in English higher education;
Anne-Marie Bathmaker and Marion Bowl.
Chapter 7. Marketisation, institutional stratification and differentiated pedagogic approaches; Jacqueline Stevenson, Pauline Whelan and Penny-Jane Burke.
Chapter 8. Measurement imperatives and their impact: academic staff narratives on riding the metric tide; Carol Taylor, Jean Harris-Evans, Iain Garner, Damien Fitzgerald and Manuel Madriaga.
Chapter 9. Conceptualising equality, equity and differentiation in marketised higher education: fractures and fault-lines in the neoliberal imaginary; Colin McCaig, Marion Bowl and Jonathan Hughes.
Marion Bowl is Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, University of Birmingham, UK.
Colin McCaig is Reader in Higher Education Policy at the Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
Jonathan Hughes was Lecturer in the Centre of Inclusion and Collaborative Partnerships at the Open University, UK, and a Senior Fellow in the Higher Education Academy, UK.