This chapter discusses entrepreneurial eco-system comprising social, economic, and behavioural dimensions. The business environment has been discussed in this chapter in reference to current scenarios in emerging markets based on thorough literature review. The organizational design and operational perspectives contribute as core discussion in this chapter in the context of contemporary shifts in organizational growth and performance. The societal values associated with entrepreneurial development and governance framework in reference to public policies are integrated in this chapter. This chapter discusses the ambidextrous social platform comprising intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The role of the social power, individual desires, and political philosophies that affect the entrepreneurial learning process have also been discussed in this chapter to supplement the social cognitive theory.
2. Review of Entrepreneurial Epistemologies
ntroduction to entrepreneurial epistemologies are discussed in this chapter. The detailed conversation about positivism, logical positivist notions, pragmatism, and conventionalism have been discussed in the context of socialization of knowledge affecting entrepreneurial behaviour. Pre-
modernists and relativists epochs have been discussed in this chapter in reference to entrepreneurial management. The classical theory of Marshall has been interpreted with contemporary arguments on disruptive business and management practices across entrepreneurial taxonomy. In addition to supplement the Schumpeterian theory of development, the contemporary pattern of co-evolution of enterprises through crowdsourcing and crowdfunding have been discussed in this chapter. These concepts endorse Schumpeterian theory of development in a contemporary perspective. The significance of public policies, vogue, venture capitalism, and disruptive technology, in entrepreneurship business models are discussed in this chapter to endorse the modern thinking on entrepreneurship.
3. Contemporary Entrepreneurial Practices
The cognitive analysis of entrepreneurial vision, goals, and business stimuli forms the core discussion in this chapter, which emphasizes entrepreneurial mind-set, socio-economic attributes of enterprises, and individual and group behaviour (IGB). The concepts of innovation-based entrepreneurship are linked to the market-driven entrepreneurship with focus on business modelling in this chapter. The above discussions are evolved from the fundamentals of entrepreneurial education emerging out of family businesses. This chapter evolves around the technology growth, diffusion, adaptation, realization of markets, value-creation, and profitability over spatial and temporal dimensions. In addition, categorical discussions on digital rights, digital ethics, and business disruptions have been placed appropriately in this chapter.
4. Entrepreneurship and Markets
This chapter emphasizes on smart entrepreneurship in the context of strategic, measurable, adaptable, and responsive trends and markets. Entrepreneurial education on digital marketing to develop upstream collaborations have been discussed in this chapter. The significance of cognitive ergonomics and semantics in entrepreneurial ideas have been discussed to supplement the business model theory. The discussion on these elements leads to analysis of hybrid entrepreneurial structures, emphasizing on digital marketing, upstream collaborations, and reverse marketing. In addition, radical innovation emerging out of frugal concepts and biomimicry concepts lead the core discussion in the section on entrepreneurial opportunities.
5. The Entrepreneurial Road Ahead
Ananya Rajagopal holds Ph.D. in Administration with focus on Entrepreneurship and Marketing Strategies from EGADE Business School. She has published several papers in international journals of repute and contributed research works in international conferences and edited books. She currently holds the position of Research Professor at Anáhuac University, Mexico.
This book endorses entrepreneurial philosophies and develops a conceptual thinking for redefining organizational design to achieve operational efficiencies. It aims at bridging entrepreneurial theories with strategies in practice. The book discusses entrepreneurial business modeling by mapping the entrepreneurial mindset and analyzing cognitive inputs to drive entrepreneurial efficiencies. This book also discusses effectiveness of marketing strategies, causes, and effects of marketing strategies on entrepreneurial performance, organizational design practices, and design-to-market concept in the context of contemporary organizational and operational designs.
Ananya Rajagopal holds Ph.D. in Administration with focus on Entrepreneurship and Marketing Strategies from EGADE Business School. She has published several papers in international journals of repute and contributed research works in international conferences and edited books. She currently holds the position of Research Professor at Anáhuac University, Mexico.