Drug-resistant-neurologically normal (“skip” surgery)
Drug-resistant-neurologically normal but complex (invasive EEG)
Drug-resistant surgical failure (treatment focus)
Work and disability
Memory loss
Status epilepticus-convulsive
Status epilepticus-non-convulsive
Experimental therapies (treatment)
Alternative therapies (treatment)
William O. Tatum, DO, FAAN, FACNS, FAES
Professor of Neurology
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine
Director, Epilepsy Center
Mayo Clinic
Jacksonville, FL
Joseph I. Sirven
Professor and Chair Emeritus
Division of Epilepsy
Department of Neurology
Mayo Clinic
4500 San Pablo Rd.
Jacksonville, FL
Gregory D. Cascino, MD, FAAN, FANA, FACNS, FAES
Whitney MacMillan, Jr. Professor of Neuroscience
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine
Enterprise Director of Epilepsy
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN
This book presents a case based approach to epilepsy management in both diagnostic challenges and treatment of complex cases. Cases reflect “real life” patient scenarios that practitioners encounter with up-to-date terminology and treatment approaches.
With 51 chapters, the book presents 51 unique, nuanced cases. Beginning with an initial presentation of a case history, the book opens with a basis for drawing in multiple aspects in the treatment of patients with epilepsy. Each chapter is organized into a clinical history, physical examination results, and ancillary testing to concentrate on differential diagnosis and focus on a definitive procedural approach to the final diagnosis. Subsequent information about the condition expands on the knowledge of the clinical features to a solution of common patient clinical scenarios as it affects people with epilepsy.
A comprehensive successor edition, Epilepsy Case Studies is an invaluable resource to clinicians ranging from those looking for a quick review of a topic present in the table of contents, to those crossing disciplines into medical areas where seizures are a symptom of disordered or dysfunctional brain.