PART III; EPIALLELES AND NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY .- III.1 Fkbp5 epiallels.- III.2 Genomic regulation of the PACAP receptor, PAC1, and implications for psychiatric disease.- III.3 Prodynorphin epialleles.- PART IV;TRANSGENERATIONAL REGULATION OF THE NEUROENDOCRINE SYSTEM.-
IV.1 Epigenetic Risk Factors for Diseases: A Transgenerational Perspective.-
IV.2 Epigenetic alteration to NR3C1 and HSD11B2 and the developmental origins of mental disease risk.- IV.3 Intergenerational effects of PTSD on offspring glucocorticoid receptor methylation.- PART V; EPIGENETIC BIOMARKERS AND NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY.- V.1 Epigenetic biomarkers for early life adversity.- V.2 Epigenetic biomarkers of maternal stress.- V.3 Epigenetic modifications in borderline personality disorder.- V.4 Oxytocin receptors and neurobehavior.-
V.5 Psychosocial stress and DNA methylation.
The field of neuroendocrinology has extended from the initial interest in the hypothalamic control of pituitary secretion to embrace multiple reciprocal interactions between the central nervous system (CNS) and endocrine systems in the coordination of homeostasis and various physiological responses from adaptation to disease. Most recently, epigenetic mechanisms were recognized for their role in the development of the neuroendocrine axes as well as in the mediation of gene-environment interactions in stress-related psychiatry disorders.