1. Introduction: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investing2. Socially Responsible Investing, Impact Investing, Religious Values Investing: Defining and Contrasting the Alternative Investing Styles3. ESG at a Firm Level: Theories of the Firm4. Fiduciaries: Making Investment Decisions for Beneficiaries5. Overview of Financial Markets6. Financial Markets: Equities7. Financial Markets: Bonds8. Shareholder Activism9. Defining and Measuring ESG Performance10. ESG in Managing Institutional Investor Funds11. ESG in Managing University Endowments12. ESG in Managing Sovereign Wealth and Government Sponsored Funds13. ESG in Managing Family Offices14. ESG in Religious Values Investing15. ESG in Impact Investing16. Conclusions and Outlook for the Future
John Hill is President and CEO of Derivatives Strategy Group. He previously served as Co-Head of Global Energy Futures at Merrill Lynch and at ABN AMRO bank and as President and CEO of Broadway Futures Group, a small independent broker. He was Senior Vice President of North American Sales for Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), one of the first electronic platforms and was a model to many more recent start-ups. During his tenure at ICE, the company grew from a small, Atlanta-headquartered private company to a public company with an IPO valued at $12 billion. It now owns and operates the NYSE, among other businesses. Mr. Hill was also Senior Vice President at ICAP, the largest interdealer broker, where his focus was developing electronic businesses and planning compliance with Dodd Frank regulations.