'Enjoyable [E]conometrics paints an excellent picture of the relevance, significance, realities, and applications of econometrics as a practical research tool. Franses (Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, the Netherlands) uses real-life examples to portray vividly the significance of econometrics. The true significance of econometrics to inquiries we make about our lives is presented and discussed in this book. The author's knowledge and understanding of econometrics - as an academic discipline - lead to the banishing of the perennial terror and fear of failure that paralyzes and also chases away most interested students and any others who diligently seek to make effective use of the applications of econometric theory and analyses.' S. B. Adjibolosoo, Choice
1. Introduction; 2. Correlation and regression; 3. Money; 4. Financial literacy and numeracy; 5. Postage stamps and banknotes; 6. Fashion, art and music; 7. Academic publications; 8. Trends and fads; 9. The takeaways; Notes, Index.