Part A: Price and Availability2. Price and Availability of Materials
Part B: Elastice Moduli3. Elastic Moduli4. Bonding between Atoms5. Packing of Atoms in Solids6. Physical Basis of Young's Modulus7. Applications of Elastic Deformation8. Case Studies in Modulus-Limited Design
Part C: Yield Strength, Tensile Strength, and Ductility9. Yield Strength, Tensile Strength, and Ductility10. Dislocations and Yielding in Crystals11. Strengthening and Plasticity of Polycrystals12. Continuum Aspects of Plastic Flow13. Case Studies in Yield-Limited Design
Part D: Fast Fracture, Brittle Fracture, and Toughness14. Fast Fracture and Toughness15. Micromechanisms of Fast Fracture16. Fracture Probability of Brittle Materials17. Case Studies in Fracture
Part E: Fatigue Failure18. Fatigue Failure19. Fatigue Design20. Case Studies in Fatigue Failure
Part F: Creep Deformation and Fracture21. Creep Deformation and Fracture22. Kinetic Theory of Diffusion23. Mechanisms of Creep, and Creep-Resistant Materials24. The Turbine Blade-A Case Study in Creep-Limited Design
Part G: Oxidation and Corrosion25. Oxidation of Materials26. Case Studies in Dry Oxidation27. Wet Corrosion of Materials28. Case Studies in Wet Corrosion
Part H: Friction and Wear29. Friction and Wear30. Case Studies in Friction and Wear
Part I: Thermal Properties31. Thermal Expansion32. Thermal Conductivity and Specific Heat33. Final Case Study:Materials and Energy in Car Design
Dr. Jones is co-author of Engineering Materials 1 and 2 and lead author for the 3rd and 4th editions. He was the founder editor of Elsevier's journal Engineering Failure Analysis, and founder chair of Elsevier's International Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis series. His research interests are in materials engineering, and along with serving as President of Christ's College at the University of Cambridge he now works internationally advising major companies and legal firms on failures of large steel structures.
Mike Ashby is one of the world's foremost authorities on materials selection. He is sole or lead author of several of Elsevier's top selling engineering textbooks, including Materials and Design: The Art and Science of Material Selection in Product Design, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Materials and the Environment, Materials and Sustainable Development, and Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design. He is also co-author of the books Engineering Materials 1&2, and Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Design.