1. Solar radiation and light materials interaction 2. Infra-red (IR) radiation and materials interaction: Active, passive, transparent and opaque coatings 3. Transparent heat regulation materials and coatings: present status, challenges, and opportunity 4. Dielectric/metal/dielectric (DMD) multilayers: growth and stability of ultra-thin metal layers for transparent heat regulation (THR) 5. Novel materials and concepts for regulating infra-red radiation: radiative cooling and cool paint 6. Understanding spectrally selective properties of solar absorbers 7. Metal oxides and metal thin films by atomic layer deposition (ALD), liquid-ALD, and successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction methods for THR applications 8. New paradigm for efficient thermoelectrics 9. Design of thermochromic materials and coatings for cool building applications 10. Recent developments in smart window engineering: from antibacterial activity to self-cleaning behavior 11. Upconverting nanoparticles: potential for a new heat regulating materials 12. Machine learning approach for materials technologies 13. Roadmap for materials selection and energy saving coatings
Dr. Dalapati serves as a scientist with the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR, (Agency for Science, Technology and Research) Singapore where he was engaged in the development of low cost materials for smart coating, renewable energy, metal-oxides for photovoltaic and solar-hydrogen production, transparent energy saving coatings for thermal comfort. His key research interests and current industrial engagements are in the areas of thin film technology, smart coating, solar cells. His research works focus on the development of prototype (solar cells and heat mirror) using earth abundant and non-toxic materials He has contributed to more than 100 scientific journal papers. His research contribution includes publication in Progress In Materials Science, Nano Energy, Scientific Reports (Nature publishing group), Progress In Photovoltaic (Wiley), ACS applied materials and Interfaces (ACS), Appl. Phys. Lett. (AIP), IEEE Trans. Electron Dev etc. Since, 2016, he is serving as an associate editor for Scientific Reports (Nature publishing group), guest editor for special issue of ICMAT 2019 in Journal of Materials Chemistry A (RSC). From 2004 to 2005, he was a Research Associate at the Microelectronics Technology Group, School of Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, U.K. His area of research work was in process optimization of strained-Si MOSFETs device for future CMOS technology. From 2005 to 2006, he was with the Silicon Nano Device Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, on advanced gate stack using high-? gate dielectrics and high mobility channel materials.
Dr Sharma's current assignments are focused on lead technology acquisition for advanced materials innovative. He has lead major research projects in liaison with key industries and high value ventures, which aims to create social impact and value capture. He is proficiently contributing to filing patents (US, Singapore), industrial know-hows, technology showcases and publishing peer reviewed research papers in the area of advanced composites materials, energy saving/heat regulating coatings and tribological materials. His current research interests are composites materials processing & analyses, Nano-structured fiber-polymer interphases, Carbon/glass/polymer/natural fibers reinforced nano-composites, Nano-ceramics/metal oxide based coatings for energy saving and UV shielding applications, Industrial coatings and paint additives, Aviation grease degradation and RUL, Solid lubricants, Tribological analysis of materials in harsh environments, advanced structural materials development for aerospace, marine offshore and biomedical arenas. Before joining A*STAR in 2013, Dr Sharma worked as a Guest Scientist at Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research (IPF) Dresden, Germany and Institute of Lightweight Structures and Polymer Technology (ILK) Technical University (TU) Dresden, Germany.