"All in all though, this encyclopedia - now updated to its 3rd Edition - covers a tremendous breadth of cave and cave-related material. It must represent the fruits of stupendous efforts, and doubtlessly it has resulted in a major contribution to cave literature."--Cave and Karst Science
A: Adaptation to low food; Adaptations: Low oxygen; Adaptation to darkness; Adaptations: Behavioral;Adaptation: Morphological; Adaptation and natural selection in caves; Adaptive shifts; Anchihaline (Anchialine) caves and fauna; Ancient cavers in Eastern North America; Art in European caves; Asellus aquaticus: A model system for historical biogeography; Astyanax mexicanus: A vertebrate model for evolution, adaptation, and development in caves
B: Bats; Beetles; Biodiversity patterns in Australia; Biodiversity: China; Biodiversity in Europe; Biodiversity in the United States and Canada; Biodiversity in South America; Breakdown; Burnsville Cove, Virginia
C: Camps; Castleguard Cave, Canada; Cave dwellers in Southwest Asia; Cave ecosystems; Cavefishes; Cavefish of China; Definition of cave; Caver communities and organizations: Cultural and historical considerations; Chemolithoautotrophy; Clastic sediments in caves; Closed depressions in karst areas; Coastal caves; Collembola; Contamination of cave waters by heavy metals; Contamination of cave waters by nonaqueous-phase liquids; Crustacea; Dating cave sediments with cosmogenic nuclides
D: Dating cave sediments with cosmogenic nuclides; Dinaric karst-Geography and geology; Biodiversity in the tropics; Documentation and databases
E: Ecological and evolutionary classifications of subterranean organisms; Entrances; Environmental DNA as a conservation tool; Epikarst; Epikarst communities; Exploration of caves-General; Exploration of caves: Underwater exploration; Exploration of caves-Vertical caving techniques
F: Folklore, myth, and legend, caves in; Food sources; The Frasassi Caves, Italy; Friars Hole System
G: Gammarus minus: A model system for the study of adaptation to the cave environment; Geophysics for locating karst and caves; Glacier caves; Guano communities; Gypsum caves; Gypsum flowers and related speleothems
H: Hang Son Doong and other caves of the Phong Nha-K? Ba`ng karst, Qu?ng Bi`nh Province, Vietnam; Helictites and related speleothems; History: Caves and other underground spaces in medieval Britain and Ireland; Huautla cave system (Sistema Huautla), Mexico; Hydrogeology of Karst aquifers; Hydrothermal caves
I: Ice in caves; Iron formation caves: Genesis and ecology; Isotopes in karst waters and cave sediments
L: Lampenflora; Lechuguilla Cave, New Mexico; Life histories
M: Magnetism of cave sediments; Mammals and birds-vertebrate visitors; Mammoth Cave System, Kentucky; Mapping subterranean biodiversity; Maya caves; Microbes; Minerals in caves; Modeling of karst aquifers; Modeling the evolution of karst aquifers; Molluscs; Mulu caves, Malaysia; Myriapods
N: Niphargus-A model system for evolution and ecology; Nitrate contamination in karst groundwater; Nullarbor Caves, Australia
O: The Omega Cave System; Orthoptera
P: Paleoclimate records from speleothems; Paleontology of caves; Passage growth and development; Postojna-Planina Cave System, Slovenia; Protecting cave life; Protecting caves; Pseudokarst
Q: Quartzite and quartz sandstone caves of South America
R: Recreational caving
S: Salamanders; Saltpeter mining; Scallops; Shallow subterranean habitats; Show caves; Siebenhengste cave system, Switzerland; Sinkholes; Solution caves in regions of high-relief; Solution caves in regions of moderate relief; Species interactions; Speleogenesis-Hypogen?; Speleogenesis: Telogenetic; Speleothem deposition; Speleothems; Spiders and related groups; Springs; Stalactites and stalagmites; Submarine springs in coastal karst; Sulfuric acid caves; Surveying caves
T: Tiankeng, Definition of; Time markers in landscape evolution, caves as
U: Ukraine giant gypsum caves; Underwater Caves of the Yucatan Peninsula; Uranium series dating of speleothems
V: Vicariance and dispersal in caves; Vjetrenica Cave, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Volcanic rock caves
W: Wakulla spring underwater cave system, Florida; Water chemistry in caves; Water tracing in karst aquifers; Wetlands in cave and karst regions; White-nose syndrome: A fungal disease of North American hibernating bats; Worms