PrefaceList of FiguresPART I: BUILDING AN EMPIREI Introduction: The Roman Republic and its DiscontentsII The Tragedy of Julius CaesarIII Caesar's HeirIV The New OrderV Succession, and the Nature of the Imperial OfficeVI The Julio-Claudian Dynasty: Loyalty and DissentPART II: PAX ROMANA: "A POLITE AND POWERFUL EMPIRE"VII Frontiers and ProvincesVIII From Flavians to SeveriVIIII The Age of the AntoninesX Religious Change and Early ChristianityPART III: RISING TO THE CHALLENGEXI Into an Age of IronXII Political Change and the Roman EconomyXIII Diocletian and the TetrarchyPART IV: A NEW EMPIREXIV The Ascendancy of ConstantineXV Cities of Constantine: Constantinople, Rome, JerusalemXVI The House of ConstantineXVII Julian, Hellenism and ChristianityXVIII Christianity and Roman SocietyXVIIII The Late Roman StateXX Rome and the Barbarian WorldPART V: FACING THE FUTUREXXI The Fall of RomeXXII Into a post-Roman WorldXXIII East and West after the Fall of RomeXXIV Royalty at RavennaXXV Dialogues with the Past; the Reign of JustinianXXVI Retrospective
JOHN MATTHEWS is Professor Emeritus of Classics and History, Yale University, USA. He received his PhD from Oxford University in 1969 and taught Greek and Roman history at Oxford for many years before moving to Yale in 1996. He was elected Fellow of the British Academy in 1990. He is author of many books including Western Aristocracies and Imperial Court, A.D. 364-425, The Roman Empire of Ammianus,??Laying Down the Law: A Study of the Theodosian Code, and Roman Perspectives: Studies in the social, political and cultural history of the First to Fifth Centuries. He is also co-author of the acclaimed Atlas of the Roman World.