The text uses a style of writing that seeks to engage the students with a friendly, conversational tone, without sacrificing scholarly content, and integrates motivation and emotion for a course aiming to teach both."
- Brent Dean Robbins, Point Park University
Michelle (Lani) Shiota received her B.A. from Stanford University and her Ph.D from UC Berkeley in Social and Personality Psychology. She completed her post-doctoral training in the Berkeley Psychophysiology Lab. She is an Associate professor of social psychology at Arizona State University where she founded her lab, Shiota Psychophysiology Laboratory for Affective Testing (SPLAT lab) which investigates several basic questions regarding emotion, using a multi-method approach that integrates physiological, behavioral, cognitive, narrative, and questionnaire measures of emotional experience and its implications for social interaction.
Sarah Rose Cavanagh is the Senior Associate Director for Teaching and Learning at the Simmons University Center for Faculty Excellence, where she also serves as an Associate Professor of Practice in Psychology. She received her B.A. from Boston University in Psychology and Women's Studies and then went on to get her M.S. and Ph.D. from Tufts University in Experimental Psychology. Her research focuses on the intersections of emotions, motivation, and learning. As a new co-author of this text, she adds important research on Motivation, a subject that is taught in conjunction with emotion in many college courses. Cavanagh's contribution will help us to compete with Reeve, Understanding Emotion & Motivation.