ISBN-13: 9783848448623 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 128 str.
Globalization and tourism reinforce each other. Travel has been given full reign to develop throughout the world as globalization has made the world barrier-less, with fewer restrictions. In turn, tourism has led to globalization process in the areas of transportation, communication and financial systems and in far and inaccessible areas. Established destinations and the major sources of international tourism are slowly, but steadily, loosing their importance while the new ones are coming into the scene. But how fast is Indian tourism industry growing in this age of globalization and what trends is it following? What impacts does economic globalization has on the changing trends of international tourism in India? And what can be done to make India more prominent on the map of global travel? These are some of the basic questions that have been attempted to answer through this book.