Author affiliations, viPreface, viiiAcknowledgements, ixAbbreviations, xAbout the companion website, xiv1 Surgical strategy (Justin Davies), 12 Human factors in surgery (Peter A. Brennan), 53 Fluid and nutrition management (Lynsey Spillman), 124 Preoperative assessment (Hemantha Alawattegama), 205 Postoperative complications (Elizabeth Tweedle), 276 Acute infections (Christopher Watson), 497 Tumours (Christopher Watson), 558 Shock (Vijay Sujendran), 639 Trauma surgery (Jonathan Morton), 7010 Burns (Ian Grant), 7911 The skin and its adnexae (Amer J. Durrani), 8612 Arterial disease (Patrick Coughlin), 10113 The heart and thoracic aorta (David P. Jenkins), 11914 The chest and lungs (Aman Singh Coonar), 12915 Venous disorders of the lower limb (Manj Gohel), 14016 The brain and meninges (Stephen Price), 14717 Head injury (Stephen Price), 15718 The spine (Rodney J. C. Laing), 17019 Peripheral nerve injuries (Ian Grant), 18220 The oral cavity (Kanwalraj Moar), 18921 The salivary glands (Brian Fish), 20322 The oesophagus (Peter Safranek), 20823 The stomach and duodenum (Stavros Gourgiotis), 21824 The surgery of obesity, (Christopher Pring), 24025 The small intestine (Justin Davies), 24526 The appendix (Ioanna G. Panagiotopoulou), 25127 The colon (Justin Davies), 25928 The rectum and anal canal (Justin Davies), 27429 The acute abdomen (Constantinos Simillis), 28930 Intestinal obstruction and paralytic ileus (Christopher Watson), 29931 Hernia (Christopher Watson), 31132 The liver (Raaj Kumar Praseedom), 32333 The gallbladder and bile ducts (Anita Balakrishnan), 34034 The pancreas (Raaj Kumar Praseedom), 35135 The spleen (Christopher Watson), 36436 The lymph nodes and lymphatics (Christopher Watson), 36737 The breast (Eleftheria Kleidi), 37138 The neck (Ekpemi Irune), 38939 The thyroid (Brian Fish), 39340 The parathyroids (Ekpemi Irune), 40641 The thymus (Christopher Watson), 41242 The adrenal glands (Vasilis Kosmoliaptsis), 41443 The kidney and ureter (Alexandra J. Colquhoun), 42544 The bladder (Alexandra J. Colquhoun), 44445 The prostate (Arthur McPhee), 45046 The male urethra (Arthur McPhee), 45947 The penis (Arthur McPhee), 46248 The testis and scrotum (Alexandra J. Colquhoun), 46649 Transplantation surgery (Christopher Watson), 476Index, 000
Christopher Watson, MD BChir FRCS, Professor of Transplantation and Honorary Consultant, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, UK.Justin Davies, MA MChir FRCS FEBS, The department of Surgery, Addenbrooke Hospital, Cambridge University, UK.