"The book is explicitly concerned with 'the mathematics of modular forms [as it is] of central importance for the analytic solution of Feynman diagrams,' but modular formers should be equally interested in the material offered in this compendium." (Michael Berg, MAA Reviews, May 19, 2019)
Graph complexes and Cutkosky rules.- Differential equations and dispersion relations for Feynman amplitudes with elliptic functions.- Elliptic integrals and the two-loop ttbar production in QCD.- Solutions of 2nd and 3rd order differential equations with more singularities.- Analytic continuation of Feynman diagrams with elliptic solutions.- Twisted elliptic multiple zeta values and non-planar one-loop open-string amplitudes.- Genus one superstring amplitudes and modular forms.- Difference field methods in Feynman diagram calculations.- Feynman integrals and iterated integrals of modular forms.- Iterated elliptic and hypergeometric integrals for Feynman diagrams. - Feynman integrals, L-series and Kloosterman moments.