Acknowledgements; Introduction Thinking in/about Bowen, Jessica Gildersleeve and Patricia Juliana Smith; 1. How to Be Yourself – But Not Eccentric: Clothes, Style and Self in Bowen’s Short Fiction, Aimee Gasston; 2. Elizabeth Bowen: Surrealist, Keri Walsh; 3. Elizabeth Bowen and the Pleasure of the Text, Jessica Gildersleeve; 4. Obnoxiousness and Elizabeth Bowen’s Queer Adolescents, Renée C. Hoogland; 5. Tender Ties: Elizabeth Bowen and Habit, Ulrika Maude; 6. ‘One is Somehow Suspended’: Elizabeth Bowen, Katherine Mansfield, and the Spaces in Between, Emma Short; 7. ‘How Much of Nothing There Was’: Trying (Not) to Understand Elizabeth Bowen, Damien Tarnopolsky; 8. Bowen’s Recesses: From Realism to Inter-Objectivity, Laurie Johnson; 9. ‘Some Really Raging Peculiarity’: Female Fetishism The Little Girls, Patricia Juliana Smith; 10. Housekeeping and the Fiction of Subjectivity in Eva Trout, Jasmin Kelaita;11. Elizabeth Bowen on the Telephone, Andrew Bennett; Notes on Contributors; Index.