Book Description Presenting a unified view of a broad range of topics, Electromagnetic Waves provides a strong, rigorous intellectual link between basic physics of electromagnetic phenomena and modern information and communication technology. This second edition features a variety of new definitions, including beat length in a birefringent medium, correlation length of random birefringence in a fiber, and effective height of an antenna. With updated appendix and reference lists, it also provides homework problems and examples in each chapter to assist students. This well-received text remains essential for those working with microwaves, electromagnetics, lasers and optics, photonics, and related areas.
BASIC EQUATIONS FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDSIntroduction: Experimental LawsMaxwell's Equations and the Charge Continuity EquationConstitutive RelationsImposed CurrentsDivergence EquationsContinuity ConditionsThe Wave Equation. The Helmholtz EquationMagnetic Vector PotentialFitzgerald Electric Vector PotentialHertz Vector PotentialFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesPOLARIZATIONIntroductionSteinmetz Representation of Time-Harmonic VectorsParallel and Orthogonal Complex VectorsProperties of Time-Harmonic VectorsProperties of the Complex VectorsLinear Polarization RatioCircular Polarization RatioStokes ParametersThe Poincaré SphereEvolution of Polarization in a Linear Medium: Jones MatrixFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesGENERAL THEOREMSIntroductionPoynting's Theorem. Wave ImpedanceUniqueness TheoremReciprocity TheoremEquivalence TheoremInduction TheoremDuality TheoremTE-TM Field Decomposition TheoremSpatial Symmetries. Reflection OperatorsFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesPLANE WAVES IN ISOTROPIC MEDIASeparability of Variables in the Homogeneous Helmholtz EquationSolution of the Homogeneous Helmholtz Equation in Cartesian CoordinatesPlane Waves: Terminology and ClassificationTraveling Waves. Phase VelocityStanding WavesPoynting Vector and Wave ImpedanceCompleteness of Plane WavesReflection and Refraction of Plane WavesFresnel FormulasReflection in Multilayer StructuresTotal ReflectionReflection on the Surface of a Good ConductorFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesPLANE WAVE PACKETS AND BEAMSModulated Waves. Group VelocityDispersionThe Scalar ApproximationThe Equations of Geometrical OpticsGeometrical Optics: Electromagnetic ImplicationsExamples of Ray Tracing in Radio Propagation and in OpticsThe WKBJ MethodFurther Comments on the WKBJ MethodGaussian BeamsHermite-Gauss and Laguerre-Gauss ModesReflection and Refraction of Gaussian BeamsOn the Completeness of a SeriesFurther Comments on Rays and BeamsFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesPLANE WAVES IN ANISOTROPIC MEDIAGeneral Properties of Anisotropic MediaWave Equations and Potentials in Anisotropic MediaBirefringent MediaFresnel's Equation of Wave NormalsAn Application: Phase Matching of Two WavesGyrotropic MediaThe Appleton-Hartree FormulaAn Example of Permittivity DyadicSecond Example of Permeability DyadicFaraday RotationFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesWAVEGUIDES WITH CONDUCTING WALLSIntroductionHomogeneously Filled Cylindrical Structures: Simplified Proof of the TE-TM Decomposition TheoremWaveguides with Ideal Conducting WallsTransmission Modes of Lossless Cylindrical StructuresMode OrthogonalitySome Remarks on CompletenessRectangular WaveguidesCircular Waveguides and Coaxial CablesWaveguides with Nonideal WallsOn Wall ImpedancesHybrid ModesFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesWAVES ON TRANSMISSION LINESIntroductionUniform Transmission LinesImpedance Transformation Along a Transmission LineLossless Transmission LinesLow-Loss Transmission LinesPartially Standing WavesThe Smith ChartRemote Measurement of the Load ImpedanceImpedance MatchingTransmission-Line Equations: An Alternative DerivationTEM and Quasi-TEM Propagation in Planar LinesThe Coupled-Mode EquationsFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesRESONANT CAVITIESIntroductionSeparable Coordinate Systems in Three DimensionsCompleteness of Resonator ModesMode Orthogonality in a Perfect ResonatorLossless Cylindrical CavitiesSimple ExamplesLossy Resonators: Perturbation Analysis. Intrinsic Q-FactorResonators Coupled to External Loads. Loaded Q-FactorOpen ResonatorsStability of Open ResonatorsQ-Factor of an Open ResonatorFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesDIELECTRIC WAVEGUIDESIntroductionWaves Guided by a Surface of Discontinuity: The Characteristic EquationGuided Modes of a Slab WaveguideRadiation Modes of a Slab WaveguideThe Cylindrical Rod: Exact ModesModal Cut-Off in the Cylindrical RodWeakly Guiding Rods: The LP ModesDispersion in Dielectric WaveguidesGraded-Index WaveguidesThe Alpha Profiles: An Important Class of Multimode Graded-Index FibersAttenuation in Optical FibersFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesRETARDED POTENTIALSIntroductionGreen's Functions for the Scalar Helmholtz EquationLorentz-Gauge Vector Potentials in a Homogeneous MediumField Vectors in Terms of Dyadic Green's FunctionsInhomogeneous Media: Polarization CurrentsTime-Domain Interpretation of Green's FunctionsGreen's Function Expansion Into Orthogonal EigenfunctionsAn Example: Field in a Rectangular BoxSpherical HarmonicsMultipole ExpansionAn Introduction to Cylindrical HarmonicsFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesFUNDAMENTALS OF ANTENNA THEORYIntroductionEquivalent Dipole Moment of an Extended SourceFar-Field ApproximationsFirst Example: Short Electric-Current ElementCharacterization of AntennasBehavior of Receiving Antennas. ReciprocityExamplesAntenna ArraysBroad-Side and End-Fire ArraysFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesDIFFRACTIONIntroductionThe Diffraction Integral: The Vector FormulationIllumination Conditions. Babinet's PrincipleThe Scalar Theory of DiffractionDiffraction Formulas and Rayleigh-SommerfeldThe Fresnel Diffraction RegionThe Fraunhofer Diffraction RegionExamplesThe Field Near a Focus: First Example of Fresnel DiffractionDiffraction from a Straight Edge: Second Example of Fresnel DiffractionA Short Note on the Geometrical Theory of DiffractionFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesAN INTRODUCTION TO THE THEORY OF COHERENCEBackground and Purpose of the ChapterThe Analytical SignalComplex Degree of CoherenceTemporal Coherence of a SourceSpatial Coherence of a SourceHigher-Order Coherence: An IntroductionAn Introduction to Photocount DistributionsModal Noise in Optical-Fiber Transmission Systems: A Short OutlineFurther Applications and Suggested ReadingReferencesAPPENDIX A: VECTOR CALCULUS: DEFINITIONS AND FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMSAPPENDIX B: VECTOR DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS IN FREQUENTLY USED REFERENCE SYSTEMSAPPENDIX C: VECTOR IDENTITIESAPPENDIX D: FUNDAMENTALS ON BESSEL FUNCTIONSBessel, Neumann and Hankel FunctionsModified Bessel FunctionsBessel Function FormulasREFERENCESFURTHER SUGGESTED READINGINDEX
Carlo G. Someda (retired) received the E.E., M.S.E.E. and Libera Docenza (Ph.D.) degrees, respectively from the University of Padova, Italy, in 1964, Stanford University, in 1966, and the Italian Ministry of Education, in 1971. While at Stanford he was a recipient of the Volta Fellowship of the IEEE. In 1972 he worked as a post-doc at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Holmdel, N.J., within a NATO scientific exchange program. He has also been a Visiting Scholar at the University of Arizona and Stanford University. Most of his research activity was done in Italy, at the Universities of Trieste, Bologna (where he became a Full Professor in 1976, and Head of the Electronics Department in 1978-81), and Padova, where he joined the Faculty of Engineering in 1982, and in 1999 he became the Director of an intensively industry-supported interdisciplinary Master program in Information and Communication Technology and Economics. His main field of technical interest since 1972 was optical communications and photonics; he also became involved in antennas and metamaterials. He has authored or co-authored about 175 research papers, and 5 textbooks, in Italian and English. Dr. Someda is on the Editorial Board of the series Optical and Fiber Communications Reports, Springer, New York. He is on the European Management Committee of the European Conference on Optical Communications, and was General Co-chair of ECOC03. He is a Distinguished Member of the Italian Electrical and Electronic Association, Vice-Chairman of Accademia Galileiana di Scienze Lettere ed Arti (a four-century old cultural institution founded by Galileo Galilei in Padova, Italy), a Member of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, Venice, Italy (a two-century old cultural institution founded by Napoleon Bonaparte -, and a Senior Member of IEEE, New York.
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