1. Kurzfassung.- 2. Ausgangszielsetzung.- 3. Beschreibung der Teststrukturen.- 3.1 Layout.- 3.2 Technologie.- 3.2.1 p-Kanal Prozeß.- 3.2.2 n-Kanal Prozeß.- 3.2.3 CMOS-Prozeß.- 4. Angewandte Meßverfahren.- 4.1 Methoden zur Bestimmung der Minoritätsträgerlebensdauer.- 4.2 Messung der Sperrströme.- 4.3 Messung der spektralen Empfindlichkeit.- 5. Einfluß der Optimierungsmöglichkeiten.- 5.1. Dicke des als Antireflexionsschicht benutzten Oxids.- 5.2. Vergleich verschiedener implantierter Profile.- 5.3 Einfluß von Gettertechniken.- 5.4 Layouteinfluß.- 6. Vergleich der Fotodioden in p-Kanal, n-Kanal und CMOS-Technologie.- 6.1 Spektrale Empfindlichkeit.- 6.2 Sperrströme.- 6.3 Schaltzeiten.- 7. Literaturverzeichnis.- 8. Bildanhang.
Bernd Höfflinger has a lifelong career with semiconductor chips. After starting at Siemens Research, he was invited to join the faculty at Cornell University, where he set up and taught the first graduate course on integrated circuits (IC s). He continued as the first product manager for MOS IC s, Siemens, Munich. With that experience, he became a co-founder of the University of Dortmund, where he built the first public pilot line for IC s in Europe, which realized the world s first all-ion-implanted Bipolar-CMOS process. As Head of the Electrical Engineering Departments at the University of Minnesota and at Purdue University, he led the major expansions of their electronics programs. He was invited back to Germany to build and lead the Institute for Microelectronics Stuttgart. As a public enterprise for contract R&D, it became one of the first certified manufacturing lines in Europe for CMOS Application-Specific Circuits. It has become the world leader in the development and manufacture of test masks for every next-generation lithography since the 1990's. Bernd Höfflinger has been the recipient or co-recipient of numerous scientific and best-product awards. He is a member of the Dusseldorf Academy of Sciences