7. Social Ecology: How Poisonous Pedagogy Sickens Students and Society
9. Sexual and Gender/Puberty/Health Education
10. Homework: Trauma for Students, Parents, Families, Teachers, and communities
11. Standardized testin
12. Value Added Models and Other Forms of Teacher Abuse
13. Special and gifted education
14. Bullying
15. Corporal Punishment in School
16. Higher Education: Where Educational Trauma begins and is perpetuated
17. Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and chemical restraints
18. The School-to-Prison Pipeline
19. Strategies for Mitigating Educational Trauma
20. Conclusion
Lee-Anne Gray is a psychologist, educator, author, and national speaker. In her private practice, she served as a forensic and clinical consulting psychologist to public defenders, families, students, and school districts throughout the state of California. Gray was also a TEDx organizer. Formerly an instructor of Psychology of Gender in the Departments of Psychology/Women’s Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA, Gray founded The Connect Group in 2011, and continues to serve the global educational community with innovative professional development seminars in self-compassion, LGBTQ+ youth, Design Thinking, EmpathicEducation, as well as with transformational coaching.
This book deconstructs and analyzes the impact of education-based trauma. Drawing on wisdom from the fields of education, psychology, neuroscience, history, political science, social justice, and philosophy, Gray connects the dots across different forms of education trauma that can occur throughout a student’s life: from bullying and anxiety to social inequity and the school-to-prison pipeline. With respect to learning, memory, social group dynamics, democracy, and mental health, this book serves as a call-to-arms, demanding civil rights for all students and for education to fulfill its ultimate duty as a force for the common good.