"«Education for Total Liberation» is a must-read for activists, students and scholars. Finally, an entire book on critical animal pedagogy! This important text calls for a radicalising of what the field of critical animal pedagogy stands for and the different perspectives that exist across the field in both theory and practice. What an exciting book!" Lara Drew, member of the Executive Board of Directors of the Institute for Critical Animal Studies
Acknowledgments - Carolyn Drew, Amber E. George, Sinem Ketenci, John Lupinacci, Anthony J. Nocella II, Ian Purdy, and J.L. Schatz: Introduction: Examining the Nexus: Critical Animal Studies and Critical Pedagogy - Anthony J. Nocella II: Unmasking the Animal Liberation Front Using Critical Pedagogy: Seeing the ALF for Who They Really Are - Anne C. Bell and Constance L. Russell: Beyond Human, Beyond Words: Anthropocentrism, Critical Pedagogy, and the Poststructuralist Turn - Karin Gunnarsson Dinker and Helena Pedersen: Critical Animal Pedagogy: Explorations Toward Reflective Practice - Sean Parson: Our Heroes Need to Wear Ski-Masks: The Animal Man and the Animal Liberationist Hero in Comics - John Lupinacci: Teaching to End Human Supremacy Learning to Recognize Equity in All Species - Meneka Repka: Intersecting Oppressions: The Animal Industrial Complex and the Educational Industrial Complex - Richard J. White: "We are one lesson": Some Reflections on Teaching Critical Animal Geographies Within the University - Anita de Melo: Teaching the Animal in Foreign Languages: An Ecopedagogical Approach - J.L. Schatz: Activist Education for Animal Ethics: The Imperative of Intervention in Education on the Non/Human - Amber E. George: Building Alliances for Nonhuman Animals Using Critical Social Justice Dialogue - William E. Shanahan III: Decolonizing Critical Classrooms, Decentering Animal Pedagogies - Contributors - Index.
The editors and contributing authors in this book are activist educators from around the globe and represent diverse critical perspectives contributing to Critical Animal Studies and the emerging and connected Critical Animal Pedagogies.
Anthony J. Nocella II, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Salt Lake Community College.
Carolyn Drew holds a M.Ed. in adult education and is Director of Regions of the Institute of Critical Animal Studies.
Amber E. George, Ph.D., is Executive Director of Finance of the Institute for Critical Animal Studies.
Sinem Ketenci, MSW, is a social worker and a co-founder of the vegan clubs at Ryerson and Canterbury Universities.
John Lupinacci, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor at Washington State University.
Ian Purdy is a co-organizer of the open lecture series Animal Rights Academy at the University of Toronto.
J.L. Schatz is Lecturer in English and Feminist Evolutionary Theory at Binghamton University.