Volume 9, Number 3, 2001 Contents: F.P. Orelove, S.K. Dymond, Educating Individuals With Severe Disabilities: Message From the Guest Editors. S.K. Dymond, F.P. Orelove, What Constitutes Effective Curriculum for Students With Severe Disabilites? K.R. Logan, D.L. Gast, Conducting Preference Assessments and Reinforcer Testing for Individuals With Profound Multiple Disabilities: Issues and Procedures. P.D. Smith, D.L. Gast, K.R. Logan, H.A. Jacobs, Customizing Instruction to Maximize Functional Outcomes for Students With Profound Multiple Disabilites. J.E. Downing, Meeting the Communication Needs of Students With Severe Multiple Disabilities in General Education Classrooms. S. Lohrmann-O'Rourke, O. Gomez, Integrating Preference Assessment Within the Transition Process to Create Meaningful School to Life Outcomes.