1- Basic concepts of ecology applied on the neotropic ecosystems.- 2 - Natural resources and sustainable development in Peru.- 3 - Classification of the Peruvian Ecosystems.- 4 - Peruvian ecosystems geography.- 5 - Biodiversity and endemism of the Andes.- 6 - Ecological communities, populations and metapopulations.- 7 - Succession and change of the ecosystems.- 8 - Biodiversity of the Amazonia Basin.- 9 - Peruvian protected natural areas.- 10 - The paramo ecosystems.- 11 - The Humboldt National Forest.- 12 - The Northwest Biosphere Reserve.- 13 - Urban ecosystems and development.- 14 - Climate changes.- 15 - Traditional land-use systems and agrobiodiversity in Peru.- Index.
Ana Sabogal Dunin Borkowski is an Agronomic Engineer, PhD in natural sciences from the Technic University of Berlin. Her current research includes the study of vegetations changes and the human impact in the Amazonian forest ecosystem and urban Ecology. Her publications deals with subjects such as urbanization, plant ecology of moorland ecosystems, plant distribution in degraded grassing ecosystems and the influence of human impact. She developed and established the Masters program in Environmental Development at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru and was previously Director of Research and Information in the Peruvian Ministry of Environment (2012-2013). Her work as a researcher and consultant in an International and national level is oriented towards the linking of interdisciplinary knowledge in many levels. Currently Ana SabogaI is the Director of Master Studies in Environmental Development and principal professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, at the Section of Geography and Environment.
This book focuses on ecosystems and species adaptations in the unique Peruvian Andean-Amazonian region. The presence of the Andes as the backbone is the cause of the huge ecosystem diversity and biodiversity of species that characterize the Andean-Amazonian ecosystems. The complex orography of Peru as results of the Andes presence in its tropical setting favors the occurrence of local climatic features that provide diverse environmental conditions for multiple, unique plant and animal species, many of them endemic to the Andes. The book will introduce the reader to the climatic history and geography of the Peruvian Andes and the Peruvian Natural Areas Protection system focusing on the Manu and Northwest biosphere reserves given their relevant ecological importance as well as the relationship between them and the local population. Important global topics like urbanization, deglaciation and global warming will be analyzed and discussed due to their impact in the Andes-Amazon ecosystems. Finally, the traditional land-use systems, agrobiodiversity and agrodiversity in Peru are present and linked with the climate change adaptations.