1. Introduction 2. Economic policy in the prehistory of economics: A comparative framework 3. Mercantilism: A Project for Development 4. Physiocracy and Fiscal Reform: The Chimera of the Impôt Unique 5. Post-Smithian Views on Poverty and Poor Relief 6. Karl Marx: A Critical View on Economic Policy 7. Economic Policy in Marginalist and Early Neoclassical Economics 8. The German Historical School on Economic Policy 9. The Old Institutional School and Labour Market Functions and Policies 10. Austrian Economics and Economic Policy 11. Keynes on Theorising for Policy 12. The Unfinished Revolution in Policy: The Visionary Legacy of Lord Keynes 13. Post-War Heterodox Approaches and Economic Policy 14. Policy Challenges, Ideologies, and the Evolution of Behavioural Economics 15. Fiscal Policy after the Crisis: What Role for Fiscal Policy in Times of Crisis and High Public Debts