PART , 1. The British iron and steel industry 1760-1879 2. Iron in the economy of England and Wales in the eighteenth century 3. The rise of the coke-iron industry 4. The British iron industry during the Napoleonic wars 5. Ironworks and ironmasters during the industrial revolution 6. The ironmasters' associations in the early nineteenth century PART 2 7. The expansion of the industry, 1788-1880 8. The regional development of the industry, 1788-1880 9. The advance of technology in the wrought iron industry 10. The growth of large-scale industry: capital and enterprise in the iron and steel industry in the nineteenth century 11. The iron trade 12. The ironworkers PART 3 13. The process of supersession: the age of steel 14. The development of mild steel 15. The new factors of industrial location: ores for steel 16. The triumph of steel over wrought iron