A pragmatic look at artificial intelligence.- An original object-oriented approach for relation management.- Conceptual representation techniques in the framework of large knowledge based systems.- Efficient frame systems.- First order theories of quantification.- A horn clause theory of inheritance and temporal reasoning.- Explicit context-based blackboards enhancing blackboard systems performance.- Reasoning with the unknown.- Path - based inference in SNeBR.- Relevant counterfactuals.- Non-monotonic reasoning with the ATMS.- On the classification and existence of structures in default logic.- Inscription — A rule of conjecture.- Algorithmic debugging of prolog side-effects.- Cooperating rewrite processes revisited.- CLG : A grammar formalism based on constraint resolution.- Some comments on a logic programming approach to natural language semantics.- Semantic analysis of time and tense in natural language: an implementation.- Extra-sentential dependencies, meaning representation, and generics.- Enhancing text quality in a question-answering system.- A knowledge-based system to synthesize FP programs from examples.- A path planner for the cutting of nested irregular layouts.- Reasoning objects with dynamic knowledge bases.- Prose: A constraint language with control structures.- An external database for Prolog.- Non-exact matching.- Rad: The risk advisor expert system.- Run-through algorithms for applications of autonomous mobile robots.- Events, situations, and adverbs.- LING2: A system for induction.- Logical foundations of nonmonotonic truth maintenance.- The CASSIE projects: An approach to natural language competence.- Knowledge acquisition by teachable systems.- List of contributors.