1. Introduction and overview of ceramic-matrix composites 2. Matrix cracking of ceramic 3. Tensile strength of ceramic-matrix composites 4. Interface debonding and sliding of ceramic-matrix composites 5. Damage evolution of ceramic-matrix composites under cyclic fatigue loading 6. Fatigue life prediction of ceramic-matrix composites based on hysteresis dissipated energy
Dr. Longbiao Li is a lecturer in the College of Civil Aviation at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Dr. Li's research focuses on the vibration, fatigue, damage, fracture, reliability, safety and durability of aircraft and aero engine. In this research area, he is the first author of 171 SCI journal publications, 8 monograph, 3 edited book, 3 text book, 3 book chapters, 21 Chinese Patents, and 2 US Patents, and more than 20 refereed conference proceedings. He has been involved in different projects related to structural damage, reliability, and airworthiness design for aircraft and aero engines, supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China, COMAC Company, and AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Company.