CH 1 Diagnosis of drought–generating processes Henny A.J. Van Lanen, Anne F. Van Loon & Lena M. Tallaksen
CH 2 Recent trends in historical drought Kerstin Stahl, Lena M. Tallaksen & Jamie Hannaford
Ch 3 Historic drought from archives: beyond the instrumental record Emmanuel Garnier
Ch 4 Future drought Henny A.J. Van Lanen, Christel Prudhomme, Niko Wanders, Marjolein H.J. Van Huijgevoort
Ch 5 on the institutional framework for drought planning and early action Ana Iglesias, Luis Garrote, Alfredo Granados
Ch 6 Indicators of social vulnerability to drought Gustavo Naumann, Hugo Carrão, Paulo Barbosa
Ch 7 drought vulmerability under climate change: A case study in la plata basin Alvaro Sordo, Luis Garrote
Ch 8 drought insurance Teresa Maestro, Alberto Garrido, María Bielza
Ch 9 Drought and WATER management in THE NETHERLANDS
Ch 10 Improving drought preparedness in Portugal Susana Dias, Vanda Acácio, Carlo Bifulco and Francisco Rego
Chapter 11 Drought management in the Po river basin, Italy Dario Musolino, Claudia Vezzani, Alessandro de Carli, Antonio Massarutto, Alessio Picarelli, FrancescoPuma
Chapter 12 Experiences in proactive and paRTICIPATORY DROUGHT Planning and management in the Jucar river basin, Spain Joaquin Andreu, David Haro, Abel Solera and Javier Paredes
Chapter 13 Drought risk and management in Syros Island, Greece Dionysis Assimacopoulos and Eleni Kampragou
Ana Iglesias, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Avenida de la Complutense SN, 28040 Madrid, Spain.
Dionysis Assimacopoulos, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 9, Heroon Polytechneiou str., Zografou Campus, GR–15780, Athens, Greece.
Henny A.J. van Lanen, Hydrology and Quantitative Water Management Group, Wageningen University, P.O. box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Comprehensive coverage of understanding, prevention, and risk management of extreme drought events, with examples of approaches followed in water–stressed regions
This book describes the progress made in our understanding of severe drought and explains how we can deal with and even avoid complete devastation brought on by such punishing events. It brings forward advanced knowledge on drought hazard analysis and management, particularly from EU–funded research projects, to assist in the development of the corresponding drought management plans. In addition, this book addresses issues of social vulnerability to drought and science–policy interfaces, which are important elements of drought management.
Divided into three sections, this book covers the diagnosis of physical processes, historic drought and the trends in historic drought, and perspectives of future drought. It takes an academic approach to risk evaluation, including characterization of drought episodes, development of indicators of risk in hydrological and agricultural systems, and analysis of the role of socio–economic instruments for risk mitigation. It also discusses the interactions that have resulted in the complex institutional framework, and highlights the importance of stakeholder involvement and awareness building for successful drought management. In addition, Drought: Science and Policy features a collection of case studies that include the description of effective measures taken in the past.
Addresses the growing issue of drought preparedness planning, monitoring, and mitigation
Teaches methodologies and lessons focused on specific, drought–prone regions so the applications have more significance
Provides examples of approaches followed in water–stressed regions (river basin and national scale) with drought analyses at the pan–European scale
Drought: Science and Policy will be an invaluable reference for researchers and practitioners in the field as well as Masters students taking relevant courses in drought management and natural disaster management.