ISBN-13: 9781492259084 / Rumuński / Miękka / 2013 / 162 str.
EN This book contains a comprehensive description of what the Bible says about family, divorce and remarriage. The book has 3 parts, dealing with the Old Testament, the New Testament and today's time. The main accent on this book is the study of the biblical accounts of divorce, as they appear in the Law of Moses, in Jesus Christ's sermons, as well as in Apostle Paul's letters. The final part of the book brings in some surveys and some modern day comparison of society, church and state affairs related to these issues, and the conclusion is based on the Biblical accounts described in the first 2 parts.
RO Cartea "Divortul si Recasatorirea in Lumina Bibliei" contine o descriere comprehensiva a ceea ce spune Biblia despre familie, divort si recasatorire. Cartea are 3 parti, care trateaza divortul in perioada Vechiului Testament, a Noului Testament si in vremea de astazi. Accentul principal din aceasta carte este studiul relatarilor biblice cu privire la divort, asa cum apar in Legea lui Moise, in predicile lui Isus, precum si in scrierile Apostolului Pavel. Partea finala a cartii cuprinde cateva sondaje si comparatii ale societatii moderne, chestiuni legate de biserica si stat, iar concluziile finale sunt bazate pe relatarile biblice descrise in primele 2 parti."