3. Distributivity-like Results in Euclid’s Elements
3.1. Book II
3.2. Book V
3.3. Book VII
3.4. Distributivity-Like Properties at Work
4. Late Antiquity and Islamic Mathematics
6.1. Heron and al-Nayrīzī
6.2. Abu Kāmil – Algebra
6.3. Omar Khayyam – Algebra
5. Latin Middle Ages
5.1. Liber Mahameleth
5.2. Fibonacci – Practica Geometriae
5.3. Sacrobosco – Algorismus
5.4. Jordanus Nemorarius – Arithmetica
5.5. Campanus – Elements
6. Hebrew Mathematics
6.1. Gersonides – Sefer Maaseh Hoshev
6.2. Alfonso de Valladolid – Sefer Meyasher `Aqov
6.3. Elijah Mizrahi – Sefer ha-Mispar
7. Concluding Remarks
8. Bibliography
Leo Corry is a historian of science working at Tel Aviv University. He has published extensively on the history of mathematics, physics and computing, since the turn of the twentieth century, as well as on medieval mathematics.