1. Searching for New Work: Identifying Writers and How to Read a New or Unfinished Play with Direction in Mind.
2. Development: Meetings, Readings, Workshops and Common Play Development Strategies.
3. Securing a Production: Seeking and Securing a Production in the Commercial, Institutional and Not-for-Profit Models.
4. Pre-production: the Director's Role in Inviting Artists into the Conversation.
5. Casting: from Writing a Breakdown to Choosing Audition Sides and Working with a Casting Director.
6. Rehearsal (Week One): the First Rehearsal, Setting up the Tone of the Process.
7. Rehearsal (Week Two): Transition from the Theoretical to the Practical.
8. Rehearsal (Week Three and Beyond): Rewrites, Run-Throughs and Creative Changes.
9. Tech: How can a Director Prepare for Inevitable Surprises, Problems, and Challenges?
10. Previews: How does a Director Learn from an Audience and Respond to Feedback?
11. Opening Night and the Run: How is a Director Helpful to the Cast, Writer and Creative Team?
12. Closing and Next steps: How does a Director Parlay Success into More Work?