ISBN-13: 9783030284398 / Angielski / Miękka / 2020 / 346 str.
ISBN-13: 9783030284398 / Angielski / Miękka / 2020 / 346 str.
Introduction ................................................. .................................................. ... ... ......... 3
Chapter 1. Charge exchange Technologies Control of Flow of accelerated particles .. .......................... 7
Features of the charge exchange technology on production and the use of accelerated particles ........... 7
Regularities of the redistribution of accelerated particles on charge and mass states .............. ...............9
Charge exchange Accelerators Tandem.............................................. ..... ............13Supercollimated beams production............................................... ... 16
Charge exchange extraction of particles from accelerators .......................................... ... ...16Charge exchange distribution of accelerated particle beams .......................................... ........................ 17
Charge exchange injection in accelerators and storage rings .................................. 18
Charge exchange injection into magnetic traps for plasma confinement .. . 24
Chapter 2. Methods of negative ions beams production ..................... 26
Features of the of formation and destruction negative ions processes ............ ...................................... 27
Charge exchange method for negative ions beams producing........ ......... 30Charge exchange negative ions sources........... ............................. 32
Features of production of negative ions beams from gas-discharge plasma .. ..... .................................. 39
Elementary processes of formation and destruction of negative ions in a gas-discharge plasma ........... 40
Production of beams of negative ions due to their generation in the volume of plasma ........................ 45Plasma sources of negative ions ................................... ........ 46
Thermionic method of negative ions beams producing..... ... 56Secondary emission (sputtering) method of negative ion beams production.............. ........................... 58
Chapter 3. Surface Plasma Method for negative ions beams production ......... ........................ ........ 64
Investigation of the emission of negative ions from discharges in hydrogen with the adding of cesium 75
Investigation of the energy spectra of H– ions from SPS ......... ............... 85Improved design versions of SPS ...................... ............. 92
The emission properties of the electrodes in the SPS discharges.................. ............... 100
Plasma parameters and the destruction of negative ions during transportation through a plasma ...... 108Cesium in surface plasma sources .............................. ........... 113
Physical basis of surface plasma method of negative ions production ........... .................................... 121
Features of formation of flows of reflected, sputtered and evaporated particles ................. ............... 123
Features of electron capture at electron affinity levels evaporated, sputtered and reflected particles 126
Implementation of the surface-plasma method of negative ions beams production ........................... 137
Chapter 4. Surface Plasma negative ions Sources........................................... ................................. 147
Surface plasma sources of H– ions for accelerators ....... ...... 147The design of SPS for accelerators ............. ................................. ............... 148
Formation of H– ions beams of in SPS for accelerators ............. ........... 154
SPS with Penning discharge for microlithography ........... ............... 159Smiplanotron, Geometric focusing ........................ ................... 160
Semiplanotron for accelerators ............................. ...................... ................... 163Spherical focusing semiplanotron for continuous mode operation.............................. ......................... 165
SPS for heavy negative ions obtaining ................................. 170Development of SPS in foreign centers ................... .......................... ......... 173
Development of SPS with Penning discharge at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) ...................... 177
Development of SPS with Penning discharge in Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ............. ................... 181
Development of SPS with Penning discharge for continuous operation in the INP SB RAS ........... ........ 184
Large volume SPS with beam self-extraction .................. ................. 188SPS of negative ions with arc discharge for neutral beams in Thermonuclear Fusion ... ....................... 197
Development of RF SPS with cesiation for ITER ................................. ............ ........................ 200
Development of a neutral beam injector with RF SPS in the INP SB RAS .......... ........ 204Development of RF SPS with casiation for Spallation Neutron Source ........................ .......................... 209
Carbon films in RF SPS with cesiation ........................................ 216
Development of RF SPS with an external antenna in SNS ...................... ................. 222Development of RF SPS with a solenoidal magnetic field ..... .................. 225
Testing of RF SPS with saddle antenna and solenoidal magnetic field in a large test stand SNS ..... 236
Operation of RF SPS with cesiation in continuous mode ................ ............................ ......... 241Development of RF SPS with cesiation at CERN for Linac 4 ............... ........................... ........ 241
Development of SPS with cesiation in J-PARC .................. .......................... ................................ 247
SPS for production of neutrals with energies in the hundreds of eV .............. ......................... ............. 251
Chapter 5. Transportation of high brightness negative ion beams, space charge compensation, Instability ................................................. .............................................. ... 257
Chapter 6. General Remarks on the Surface Plasma Method of negative ions beams production..... 268
Conclusion ................................................. .................................................. .... .. 276
Bibliography ................................................ ..........................................
Dr. Vadim Dudnikov holds a Ph.D. in Accelerator Physics from the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, part of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. His array of substantial research accomplishments includes the development of charge exchange injection, the discovery, explanation and damping of the e-p instability (the electron cloud effect), and the discovery of the cesiation effect (enhancement of negative ion emission after adding cesium to the discharge); he has developed many different versions of surface plasma sources. He has extensive experience in both academia and industry, having held positions at (among others) the Budker Institute, Novosibirsk State University, the University of Maryland, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Fermilab, Superior Design, Inc., South Cross Corp and Brookhaven Technology Group, Inc. Since 2009, he has been the Principle Investigator in the development of ion sources, beam physics and diagnostics at Muons, Inc. Dr. Dudnikov is author or co-author of more than 200 publications and holds numerous patents.
This book covers the development of sources of negative ions and their application in science and industry. It describes the physical foundations and implementation of the key methods of negative ion production and control, such as charge exchange, thermionic emission, secondary emission (sputtering) and surface-plasma sources, as well as the history of their development. Following on from this essential foundational material, the book goes on to explore transport of negative ion beams, and beam-plasma instabilities. With exposition accessible at the graduate level, and a comprehensive bibliography, this book will appeal to all students and researchers whose work concerns ion sources and their applications to accelerators, beam physics, storage rings, cyclotrons, and plasma traps.
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