1. "Neurodevelopmental aspects of suicide and considerations for prevention" Dr. Andreas Chatzittofis, University of Cyprus, Medical School.
2. "Making sense of Depression: Representations and experience of Depression in the Cypriot context", Ms Maria Orphanidou, MA. University of Cyprus.
3. "Psychodynamics in Depression: a short case. Symptom formation, mentalisation, symptom solution.“, Dr. med. Andreas Bilger, Univeristy Ulm, Germany
4. "CBT Treatment for Depression and Applications to a Partial Hospital Setting.“ Professor Throstur Bjorgvinsson, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA.
5. "Psychodynamic Treatment of Depression.“ Professor Fredric Busch, Well Cornell Medical College and Columbia University New York, USA.
6. "Case study of a 44 year-old patient with a moderate recurrent depressive disorder, (ICD-10 F 33.1) from Psychodynamic point of view." Dr. med. Christos Charis, Psychotherapist, Germany.
7. "The LAC-Study. Chronic Depression and relationship to childhood trauma." Professor Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Sigmund-Freud Institut, Frankfurt, Germany, head of the LAC-Study.
8. "Case conceptualization and treatment of Depression from a Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective" Professor Georgia Panayiotou, University of Cyprus
9. "Case conceptualization and treatment of Depression in Cancer Patients" Dr. Maria Karekla, University of Cyprus.
10. “Cognitive-behavioral treatment of a bipolar patient in outpatient treatment” Dr. Eleni Karayianni, Practicum Co-ordinator University of Cyprus, and Chair, the Cyprus Psychologists Association.
11. In addition to the chapters we have already proposed, the Editors (Panayiotou and Charis) propose to describe in another extra chapter the similarities and the differences between the psychodynamic therapy and cognitive-behavioural methodologies regarding theory and treatment of patients with depression. This is to contribute to the dialogue between psychodynamic and behavioural therapy.
Christos Charis has been working for many years as a specialist in psychiatry / psychotherapy and specialist in psychosomatics and psychotherapy. Since October 2006 he has been working as a psychodynamic psychotherapist in his own practice. At the same time he has been working since 2006 as a psychiatric and psychotherapeutical consultant one day per week at the psychiatric hospital (part-time): Vitos Klinik Bamberger Hof, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The focus of his psychodynamic work is depression, anxiety disorders and psychosomatic disorders. Together with Professor Georgia Panayiotou he edited the book Somatoform and other Psychosomatic Disorders, 2017 Springer Verlag. He is a member of the psychosomatic association: Berufsverband deutscher Psychosomatik und ärztlicher Psychotherapie, Berlin, Germany.
Georgia Panayiotou, Ph.D. is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Cyprus. She holds a BA degree in Psychology and Sociology from New College of Florida, and a Masters and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Purdue University, Indiana. She completed her Doctoral Clinical Internship at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School and was assistant professor at Mississippi State University before her return to Cyprus. Her primary research interests are in the domain of emotions and emotional processes in psychopathology and their interaction with cognitive processes. She studies primarily anxiety disorders, alexithymia, antisocial disorders and addictions, with the use of both self-report and psychophysiological methods. She is interested in how people experience, process and regulate their emotions and how this is related to mental health and wellbeing. In addition to examining basic processes involved in the etiology and maintenance of these disorders, she has conducted, with her students, several RCTs on preventive and therapeutic interventions for young people, which focus on various aspects of emotion dysregulation. She has co-ordinated or was co-PI on multiple nationallyand internationally funded projects (including Marie-Curie ETN, Erasmus Plus etc.)and is a founding member of the Center for Applied Neurosciences at the University of Cyprus. She is Chair of the Board of the University Mental Health Center and the Cyprus Cancer Research Institute and has been appointed by the Government on several national boards. She sits on editorial boards of several journals. In addition to her scholarly work, she is a licensed clinical psychologist andserved several terms as vice-chair of the Cyprus Psychologists Association and Cyprus Professional Psychology Licensing Board. She has supervised9 completed and 4 ongoing PhDs and numerousMA theses.
This book aims to open a dialogue between the long psychoanalytic tradition on depression disorder categories and the behavioral-empirical tradition by collecting contributions of experts within both respective fields on the conceptualization and treatment these disorders. The book includes chapters on conceptualization and treatment of depression from mentalization-based therapy, second wave cognitive-behavioral, and third wave CBT (ACT) perspectives; treatment of depression in a partial hospital setting; prevention of suicide; social perceptions of depression including social aspects such as gender; and case studies on the treatment of depression and bipolar depression. It provides a unique combination of current empirical findings on etiology of depression and suicide, treatment considerations and practical recommendations, treatment in different settings, and combinations of different theoretical perspectives that can enrich a therapist’s repertoire of tools for understanding and approaching depression. The book presents various theoretical approaches without adhering to any singular perspective, but with an effort to highlight common underlying themes such as loss, self-esteem, guilt, grief, and emotion regulation as these permeate various approaches. In this way a combination of science and practice are presented that constitute an excellent resource for researchers, clinicians, and students of mental health professions.