About the Editors ixList of Contributors xIntroduction 11 Ethical and Social Issues in Dementia Care 52 Neuroanatomy and the Aging Brain 203 Episodic Memory and Cognition in Normative Aging and Dementia 374 Activities of Daily Living: The Role of Rehabilitation Professionals in Dementia Care 555 Alzheimer's Disease 706 Vascular Dementia 817 Lewy Body Dementia 918 Frontotemporal Dementia 1019 Parkinson's Disease 11510 Multiple Sclerosis 12711 HIV-Associated Dementia and Other HIV-Related Neurocognitive Problems 14812 Huntington's Disease 16013 Overview of Depression in Dementia and Memory 17314 Partially and Fully Reversible Cognitive Impairment and Dementia 19115 Prevention and Management of Behavioral Symptoms in Dementia 20916 Lifestyle Intervention in Dementia: Nutrition and Exercise as Interventions for Dementia Prevention and Management 24217 Caregiver Stress, Compassion Fatigue, and Caregiver Support 25818 Diversity in Risk and Response in Dementia and Memory Loss 275Index 288
Dr. Farrer obtained his Ph.D. in clinical psychology with additional specialty training in neuropsychology. He is an Assistant Professor at the Duke University Medical Center. He is also adjunct psychology faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and adjunct gerontology faculty at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He has published additional books and articles in neuropsychology and has research interests in dementia, brain imaging, and traumatic brain injury.Dr. Eifert obtained her Ph.D. in public health education and her graduate certificate in gerontology. She is an Assistant Professor and Graduate Coordinator for the Gerontology Program at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her research interests are related to family caregiver health and gerontological education.