Foreword xiiiIntroduction xviiPart I Delusional Altruism 1Chapter 1 You Save Money on All the Wrong Things 3Chapter 2 You are Fearful 21Chapter 3 You Respond Too Slowly 35Chapter 4 You Have Too Many Steps 43Chapter 5 You are Too Overwhelmed to Take Your Next Step 51Chapter 6 You are Fooled by Your Own Efforts 61Chapter 7 You Ask the Wrong Questions 71Part II Transformational Giving 79Chapter 8 You Start with the Right Questions 81Chapter 9 You See and Act Abundantly 109Chapter 10 You are Fast 123Chapter 11 You Transform Lives 141Chapter 12 You are Unstoppable 177Chapter 13 You Found Your North Star 195Chapter 14 You Do What It Takes 211Chapter 15 Get Moving: Transform Your Giving and Change the World! 225Acknowledgments 231About the Author 235Index 237
KRIS PUTNAM-WALKERLY, MSW, is a trusted advisor to the world's leading philanthropists. For over 20 years, ultra-high- net-worth donors, foundations, Fortune 500 companies, celebrity activists, and wealth advisors have sought and benefited from her advice to transform their giving and catapult their impact. Her clients include the J.M. Smucker Company, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation, Walton Family Foundation, National Center for Family Philanthropy, and the Cleveland Foundation. Kris was named one of America's Top 25 Philanthropy Speakers. Learn more at