Motivation.- Plastic deformation and strain localizations.- Martensitic phase transformation.- Advanced high-strength steels.- In situ techniques for characterization of strain localizations and time sequence of deformation processes.- Object of investigations – High-alloy Fe–16Cr–6Mn–xNi–0.05C cast steels with TRIP/ TWIP effect.- Case studies on localized deformation processes in high-alloy Fe–16Cr–6Mn–xNi–0.05C cast steels.- Prospects of complementary in situ techniques.- Concluding remarks.
Anja Weidner is a scientific staff member at the Institute of Materials Engineering at the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, where she studied materials science, and earned both doctorate and postdoctorate qualifications. Her primary research interests focus on plasticity, fatigue and related microstructural analysis of materials. Since 2011 she has been working as a team leader for the group "Microstructural Analysis and Very High-Cycle Fatigue". Additionally, she is a board member of two Collaborative Research Centres: SFB 799 "TRIP-Matrix-Composites" and SFB 920 “Multifunctional Filter and Filter Systems”, both funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Since 2013 she has been acting as coordinator of the research group “In-situ Testing in Scanning Electron Microscopy” within in the framework of the German Society for Materials Science. To date she has authored or co-authored over 94 peer-reviewed publications and has an h-index of 21.
This book demonstrates the potential of novel in-situ experiments, performed on microscopic and macroscopic length scales, for investigating localized deformation processes in metallic materials, particularly their kinetics and the associated evolution of local strain fields. It features a broad methodological portfolio, spanning optical and electron microscopy, digital image correlation, infrared theromgraphy and acoustic emission testing, and particularly focuses on identifying the localized microscopic deformation processes in high-strength/high-ductility CrMnNi TRIP/TWIP (TRansformation Induced Plasticity/TWinning Induced Plasticity) steels. Presenting state-of-the art methodology applied to topical and pertinent problems in materials engineering, this book is a valuable resource for researchers and graduate students working in the field of plasticity and deformation of structural materials.