Foreword by Rory Sutherland xiiiPreface xvii1. Decision Science: Understanding the Why of Consumer Behaviour 12. The Moment of Truth: Decoding Purchase Decisions 373. Decoding the Interface: How the Autopilot Perceives Touchpoints 694. Optimizing the Path to Purchase: The Decision Interface Makes the Difference 1295. Goals: The Driving Forces of Purchase Decisions 1676. From Positioning to Touchpoints: Bringing Value to Life 2137. Case Studies 269Closing Remarks 287Recommended Reading 289About the Author 303Index 305
Phil Barden is the Managing Director of DECODE Marketing Ltd, where he combines his more than 25 years of brand management (Unilever, Diageo and T-Mobile) with leading-edge cognitive and social psychology, neuroscience and behavioural economics to help businesses increase their marketing effectiveness and maximize brand growth.