PART I CYCLOSTATIONARITY 1. Characterization of Stochastic Processes 2. Characterization of Time-Series 3 Almost-Cyclostationary Signal Processing 4. Higher-Order Cyclostationarity 5. Ergodic Properties and Measurement of Characteristics 6. Quadratic Time-Frequency Distributions 7. Manufactured Signals 8. Detection and Cycle Frequency Estimation 9. Communications Systems 10. Selected Topics and Applications
PART II GENERALIZATIONS 11. Limits of the Almost-Cyclostationary Model 12. Generalized Almost-Cyclostationary Signals 13. Spectrally Correlated Signals 14. Oscillatory Almost-Cyclostationary Signals 15. The Big Picture
PART III APPENDICES A. Nonstationary Signal Analysis B. Almost-Periodic Functions C. Sampling and Replication D. Hilbert Transform, Analytic Signal, and Complex Envelope E. Complex Random Vectors, Quadratic Forms, and Chi Squared Distribution F. Bibliographic Notes