ISBN-13: 9783642169847 / Angielski / Miękka / 2010 / 595 str.
ISBN-13: 9783642169847 / Angielski / Miękka / 2010 / 595 str.
Continuing its consolidated and prestigious tradition, the tenth edition of the International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2010) complemented its research and industrial program with a selection of workshops extending the conference s program. The workshops o?ered Web engineering researchers and practitioners the opportunity for highly interactive sessions, which included - depth, topical presentations and discussions of emerging researchchallenges and preliminary results. This volume collects the contributions of the hosted wo- shops and the co-located Doctoral Consortium. Inlightoftheneedtoo?eranalwaysnovelandinterestingprogramre?ecting the emerging researchof the Web engineering community, we made a huge e?ort to renovate the conference s workshop program, to enlarge the choice to authors andparticipants, andtoattracthigh-qualitycontributions. TheWebengineering community is a constantly growing group that, on the one hand, is working on a setofconsolidatedtopicsand, ontheotherhand, isconstantlygettinginspiredby cutting edge technologies or societal trends. Thus, to enlarge the choice to both potential workshop organizers and authors, in designing this edition s workshop programwepursuedtwo goals: First, weaimedatprovidingthe typicalaudience ofICWEwithasetofworkshoptopicsthatre?ectthetraditionalinterestsofthe community and that are as wide and comprehensive as possible. We achieved this goal thanks to well-established workshops covering topics such as mod- driven development, quality and usability of Web applications, rich Internet applications (RIAs), and light-weight, component-based development of Web applications (e. g., mashups). Second, we wanted to attract new audiences to the conference, selecting also novel workshops that cover topics of an emerging or foundationalnaturethatextendthefocusofICWEbeyonditstraditionaltopics. We reachedthis goalby betting onsubjects such asthe Semantic Web, semantic data management, the Internet of things, Web-enabled tourism, service-based compliance management, and e-crowdsourcing."