Section 1:Synthetic biological systems; Concepts and molecular toolkits1. Basics and roots of synthetic biology2. Advances in cell-free biosynthetic technology3. Genome engineering tools in plant synthetic biology
Section 2: Genome engineering and biosynthetic repertoires4. Constructing synthetic pathways in plants: Strategies and tools5. Synthetic regulatory tools to engineer microbial cell factories for chemical production6. A CRISPR technology and biomolecule production by synthetic biology approach
Section 3: Biocatalyst engineering and industrial bioprocesses7. Enzyme engineering and industrial bioprocess8. Synthetic biology for production of commercially important natural product small molecules9. Biosynthetic technology and bioprocess engineering
Section 4: Applications of Synthetic Biology10. Regulated gene expression by synthetic modulation of the promoter architecture in plants11. Biosynthesis of high-value amino acids by synthetic biology12. Synthetic biology approaches for the production of 2-butanol13. Synthetic biology approaches for the production of isoprenoids in Escherichia coli14. System metabolic engineering applications in Corynebacterium crenatum for L-Arginine production
Section 5: Future perspectives of synthetic metabolism15. Synthetic metabolism and its significance in agriculture 16. Applications and future perspectives of synthetic biological systems