1. The complex contents of Australian inequality - Ruth Fincher and Peter Saunders
2. Understanding poverty and social exclusion: Situating Australia internationally - Peter Whiteford
3. Popular discourses and images of poverty and welfare in the news media - Peter Putnis
4. Inequality and the futures of our children - Peter Travers
5. Tackling poverty among indigenous Australians - Boyd Hunter
6. Moving in and out of disadvantage: population mobility and Australian places - Ruth Fincher and Maryann Wulff
7. Beyond impoverished visions of the labour market - Ian Watson and John Buchanan
RUTH FINCHER is Professor of Urban Planning at the University of Melbourne. In the early 1990s she was a Research Manager in the Bureau of Immigration Research, and has also worked at McGill and McMaster Universities in Canada. She recently co-edited Australian Poverty: Then and Now (1998) and Cities of Difference (1998).
PETER SAUNDERS is the Director of the Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales. He has also worked as a consultant for the OECD, the IMF, the International Social Security Association and the UN's Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).
The contributors are John Buchanan, Dr Boyd Hunter, Peter Putnis, Peter Travers, Ian Watson, Peter Whiteford and Maryann Wulff.