Bibliografia Glosariusz/słownik Wydanie ilustrowane
'Cosmic Messengers should be of interest to a wide audience of astronomers, other scientists, historians of science, government agency planners, and anyone who wants to see the fruits of curiosity- driven research. It will also be a valuable resource to students and others aiming to place their research into a much larger context.' James Moran, Physics Today
Preface; Part I. Instruments, Messengers, and Cosmic Messages: 1. Instruments, Messengers, Astrophysics and Cosmochemistry; 2. Primordial Messengers and their Interpretation; Part II. The Bounded Energies of Nature's Messengers: 3. Cosmic Ray Particles, Photons, and Leptons; 4. Gravitational Waves; 5. Gravitational Lensing; Part III. Parameters Specifying Individual Messengers: 6. The Ranges of Messenger Parameters; Part IV The Pace of Progress; 7. An Era of Surveys; 8. The Accumulation of Discoverable Phenomena; 9. The Human Aspect of the Cosmic Search; Appendix: Symbols, Glossary, Units and their Ranges; Index.