1 Introduction1.1 When is a forest a forest?1.2 The nature of forestry and forest management1.3 Silvicultural regimes and types of forest management1.4 Silvicultural analysis and planning1.5 Continuous cover forestry - definitions, terms & semi-synonyms1.6 Common misconceptions dispelled1.7 The societies that shape us: Contrasting history of forestry1.8 Ensuring sustainability: Area control versus size control1.9 CCF in a changing world1.10 How to introduce CCF to a new region or country?2 How Do I get Started with CCF?2.1 Introduction2.2 Identifying land suitable for CCF2.3 Starting from scratch - instant new CCF2.4 The mission of transformation and conversion2.5 Keeping it going: The Maintenance of CCF2.6 Biological automation and rationalisation3 Individual-Based Forest Management3.1 Introduction3.2 Definition and terms of individual-based forest management3.3 History of individual-based forest management3.4 How and when frame trees are selected3.5 How frame trees are managed3.6 Individual-based forest management for restructuring and transforming forests4 Forest Structure - The Key to CCF4.1 Introduction4.2 Crown classes4.3 Mixing species - but how and when?4.4 Non-spatial measures of forest structure5 Interacting with Forest Structure5.1 Introduction5.2 Thinnings5.3 Regenerating forest stands with silvicultural systems5.4 Selection System5.5 Continuous Two-Storeyed High Forest6 Demographic equilibrium and guidance models6.1 Introduction6.2 History6.3 Static equilibrium models6.4 Dynamic equilibrium models6.5 Quantifying deviations6.6 Concluding remarks7 Putting it all together7.1 Introduction7.2 Forest development types7.3 Specialised CCF management8 Training for CCF8.1 Introduction8.2 Training requirements8.3 MarteloscopesReferencesA Overview of the most common principles of CCFB Light demand of tree species
Arne Pommerening is Professor of Forest Science in the Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU, Umea, Sweden. He is a prolific scholar of CCF, having taught classes on this subject for more than 20 years, and from 2000 to 2011 he was involved in the introduction of CCF to the United Kingdom.