Section1. Contextualisation.- 1. Introduction to the Project; Paul Gibbs and Alison Beavis.- 2. Transdisciplinary Knowledge – An emergent concept; Alison Beavis and Paul Gibbs.- Section 2. The Interviews.- 3. Sue L. T. McGregor.- 4. Valerie Brown.- 5. Gray Kochhar-Lindgren.- 6. Kate Maguire.- 7. Julie Thompson Klien.- 8. Basarab Nicolescu.- 9. Linda Neuhauser.- 10. Christian Pohl.- Section 3. Reflections and Case Study.- 11. Thematic reflection; Paul Gibbs and Alison Beavis.- Appendix 1. UTS Case Study.
Paul Gibbs is Emeritus professor at the University of Middlesex, Advisor to the Rector at Azerbaijan University and vesting professor at University of Technology Sydney. His particular approach to transdisciplinarity that informs his work is through the works of Heidegger, neo-Confucian thought and the insights of Basarab Nicolescu.
Alison Beavis is an Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) where she was recently appointed as the Deputy Dean (Education) in the Faculty of Science. Her passion for transdisciplinarity was shaped through her role as the founding Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation at the University of Technology Sydney