1: Consumption and Generational Change: The Rise of Consumer Lifestyles; I: Theoretical Perspectives on Generations and Consumption; 2: The Third Age: Field, Habitus, or Identity?; 3: Goods Not Gods: New Spiritualities, Consumerism, and Religious Markets; 4: Dispossession: The Tenacity of Things 1; II: Historical Dimensions of Generation and Consumption; 5: Old Age, Consumption, and Change over Time; 6: Ageing, Cohorts, and Consumption: The British Experience 1968–2005; III: International Comparisons of Changes in Consumption Patterns across Generations; 7: Housing Crisis, Generational Inequalities, and Welfare States; 8: Generational Marketing 1; 9: Comparing Welfare Regime Changes: Living Standards and the Unequal Life Chances of Different Birth Cohorts 1