Bibliografia Glosariusz/słownik Wydanie ilustrowane
"A memoir, an autopsy and a kind of confession, the author reveals his own misdeeds and miscalculations... Is there something to be learned from his book? Yes. Tell the truth, even if and when it hurts. To replace colonialism with neocolonialism, or one group of neocolonialists with another group that does not look so bad, Che wrote, is not a correct revolutionary strategy. Jonah Raskin, Counterpunch
ERNESTO GUEVARA DE LA SERNA was born in Rosario, Argentina, on June 14, 1928. While studying for a medical degree in Buenos Aires, he took a trip with his friend Alberto Granado on an old Norton motorcycle through all of Latin America, the basis for The Motorcycle Diaries. During his travels he witnessed the Bolivian revolution in 1953; and, in Guatemala in 1954, the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Jacobo Arbenz by US-backed forces. Forced to leave Guatemala, he went to Mexico City, where he linked up with exiled Cuban revolutionaries and met Fidel Castro in 1955. Che joined their expedition to Cuba, where the revolutionary war began in the Sierra Maestra mountains. At first Che was the troop doctor, and later became Rebel Army commander in July 1957. Following the rebels victory on January 1, 1959, he was a key leader of the new revolutionary government and also of the political organization that in 1965 became the Communist Party of Cuba.