"Although the word "concrete" doesn't generally conjure images of whimsy, the projects in Concrete Crafts are just that: delightful, creative additions to a house or garden, and best of all, surprisingly easy. Authors Zacke and Hendengren introduce the reader to the concepts of casting concrete: mixing, molding, reinforcing, insetting decorations, and treating. Thirty-two step-by-step projects follow, including a precious brood of tiny duckies molded from an ice cube tray and a stunning set of modern kitchen shelves. The beauty of this book is that after the short introduction, the reader is well-equipped and encouraged to create concrete projects of their own design."-Katie Jackson, author of Hand-Built Outdoor Furniture: 20 Step-By-Step Projects Anyone Can Build
Susanna Zacke is a stylist and journalist specializing in handicraft and interior decoration. She is the co-author of sixteen books on interior decoration, including The Whimsical Home , all of which aim to stimulate the decorator's imagination. Her books have been translated into seven languages worldwide. Zacke resides near Stockholm, Sweden. Sania Hedengren is a stylist and journalist specializing in handicraft and interior decoration. She is the co-author of sixteen books on interior decoration, including The Whimsical Home , all of which aim to stimulate the decorator's imagination. Her books have been translated into seven languages worldwide. Hedengren lives near Stockholm, Sweden.