PART 1 FUTURE COMMUNICATION NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS 1. On the need of computing in future communication networks 2. Standardization activities for future communication networks
PART 2 CONCEPTS 3. Network slicing 4. Mobile edge cloud 5. Content distribution
PART 3 ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES 6. Software-defined networks 7. Network function virtualization
PART 5 BUILDING THE TESTBED 11. Mininet: An insant virtual network on your computer 12. Docker: Containerize your application 13. ComNetsEmu: A lightweight emulator
PART 6 EXAMPLES 14. Realizing network slicing 15. Realizing mobile edge clouds 16. Machine learning for routing 17. Machine learning for flow compression 18. Machine learning for congestion control 19. Machine learning for object detection 20. Network coding for transport 21. Network coding for storage 22. In-network compressed sensing 23. Security for mobile edge cloud
PART 7 EXTENSIONS 24. Connecting to the outer world 25. Integrating time-sensitive networking 26. Integrating software-defined radios