Preface, Reader's guide to Section 1, ISSUES AND ESSAYS: POINTS TO VIEW IN A COMPARATIVE APPROACH, 1. Overcoming Our Resistance to Animal Research: Man in Comparative Perspective, 2. Comparison of Human Behaviors, 3. The Comparative Approach in Human Ethology, 4. Successful Comparative Psychology: Four Case Histories, Reader's guide to Section 2, THEORETICAL CONCERNS: OPPORTUNITIES AND CONSTRAINTS IN A COMPARATIVE APPROACH, 5. Mentalism and Behaviorism in Comparative Psychology, 6. The Ideas of Change, Progress, and Continuity in the Comparative Psychology of Learning, 7. Hybrid Models: Modifications in Models of Social Behavior That Are Borrowed Across Species and Up Evolutionary Grades, 8. On the Process and Product of Cross-Species Generalization, Reader's guide to Section 3, BEHAVIOR AND BIOLOGY: GENETIC CONSIDERATIONS IN A COMPARATIVE APPROACH, 9. Disentangling Genetic and Cultural Influences on Human Behavior: Problems and Prospects, 10. Homology, Genetics, and Behavior: Homology From a Behavior-Genetic Perspective, Author Index, Subject Index
D.W. Rajecki, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis