Need for Community Empowerment and Climate Resilience in the Semi-Arid Tropics.
Suhas P. Wani and K.V. Raju
Adarsha Watershed, Kothapally, ICRISAT’s Innovative Journey: Why, How and What?
Suhas P. Wani and K.V. Raju
Climate Change Impacts at Benchmark Watershed.
AVR Kesava Rao, Suhas P. Wani and K Srinivas
Integrated Soil Management for Sustained and Higher Productivity
Girish Chander, Suhas P. Wani, Raghavendra Sudi, G. Pardhasaradhi and P. Pathak
Improved Water Balance and Ecosystem Services through Integrated Watershed Development
Kaushal K Garg, KH Anantha, Suhas P. Wani, Mukund Patil and Rajesh Nune
Improved Livelihoods through Sustainable and Diversified Cropping Systems
Srinivas K, Gajanan L Sawargaonkar, Kesava Rao AVR and Suhas P. Wani
Impacts of Integrated Watershed Development Using Economic Surplus Method
Moses Shyam D, Anantha KH, Wani Suhas P and KV Raju
Digital Technologies for Assessing Land use, Crop mapping and Irrigation in Community Watersheds
VR Hegde and KV Raju
Mainstreaming of Women in Watersheds is Must for Enhancing Family Income
Girish Chander, Suhas P Wani, DS Prasad Rao, RR Sudi and CS Rao
Increasing incomes and building climate resilience of communities through watersheddevelopment
Anantha KH, Suhas P. Wani and Mosses Shyam D
Robust Rural Institutions, Governance Are Must for Sustainable Growth in Watersheds
KV Raju and DS Prasad
Overview, Summary and Way Forward for Enhancing Impacts of Innovative Model
KV Raju and Suhas P. Wani
S.P. Wani is former Director of Research program Asia and Director, ICRISAT Development Centre, ICRISAT.
K.V. Raju, is former Theme Leader, Policies and Impacts, and Principal Scientist, IDC, Research Program Asia, ICRISAT.
This book focuses on developing an integrated holistic approach for harnessing the potential of rain-fed agriculture. In this approach, rainwater management through harvesting and recharging the groundwater is used as an entry point activity for increasing the productivity for farmers through enhanced water use efficiency. To provide the holistic and integrated solutions, the approach of consortium through building partnerships with different stakeholders, eg. different research institutions (State, National and International), development departments, eg. Department of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry etc., Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), Farmers Organizations Community-based Organizations (CBOs) along with market linkages through private companies.